肉丝炒芽菜 Stir-fry Bean Sprouts with Pork |
{材料} 豆芽(洗净), 猪肉片(用料酒和盐腌5分钟), 红甜椒丝,萝卜丝,蒜碎,青葱丁
{调味料} 花椒油1茶匙, 酱油1汤匙,白醋1茶匙,糖和盐少许 。
1. 起油锅,加入花椒油爆香蒜碎后,加入猪肉片炒至变色再加甜椒和萝卜丝翻炒一下。
2. 然后,加入豆芽和其它调味料,大火炒至豆芽断生后加入青葱丁拌炒均匀即可食用。
Stir-fry Bean Sprouts with Pork
{Ingredients} Bean Sprouts (Washed), pork slices (marinate with some Shaoxing wine and salt for 5 mins), shredded red bell pepper, shredded carrots, chopped garlic, diced green onions.
{Seasonings} Pepper oil x 1 tsp, soy sauce x 1 tbsp, white vinegar x 1 tsp, some sugar and salt.
1. Heat up oil with pepper oil altogether to sauté chopped garlic, add in slices pork to stir-fry till change color only add in shredded bell pepper and carrots to continue stir-frying.
2. Then, add in ben sprouts and others seasonings to stir-fry under high heat until cook, add in diced green onions to mix well and serve hot.
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