冬炎鸡块 Tomyam Chicken Slices |
还是想念了,Tom Yam的滋味这几日在脑里浮现不停,频频提醒我该解解“渴”啦。以我的厨艺,得是简易快手菜才行啊,想不到做好的瞬间,被自己感动😹了。或许难以置信自己瞎搞乱煮也煮得算还行耶✌️,这证明了行动起来真的比心动💗来的更心满意足!!
{材料} 鸡腿块, 洋葱碎,红辣椒碎,蒜碎,九层塔适量
{腌料} 盐 ½ 茶匙, 麻油 ½ 茶匙, 蛋白 ½ 粒, 栗粉1茶匙
{调味料} 冬炎酱2汤匙,鱼露1汤匙,蚝油1汤匙,糖1 ½ 茶匙,辣椒酱1汤匙,淡奶1汤匙, 栗粉水1大匙
1. 将鸡块用腌料腌上30分钟后, 稍微翻炒一会, 取出备用。
2. 烧热2大匙油爆香洋葱, 辣椒与蒜碎, 加入调味料搅拌均匀。
3. 然后, 加入鸡块, 加点水稍煮一下再加入九层塔与栗粉水煮至浓郁即可。
Tom Yam Chicken Slices
{Ingredients} Chicken thigh (deboned sliced), chopped onion, chopped red chilies, chopped garlic, some basil leaves.
{Marinades}Salt x ½ tsp, sesame oil x ½ tsp, egg white x ½, corn flour x 1 tsp
{Seasonings} Tom yam paste x 2 tbsp, fish sauce x 1 tbsp, oyster sauce x 1tbsp, sugar x 1 ½ tsp, chili sauce x 1tbsp, evaporated milk x 1 tbsp, cornflour solution x 1 tbsp
1. Marinate chicken slices with marinades sauce for 30 mins, shallow-fry a little and dish out to set aside.
2. Heat up 2 tbsp of oil to sauté the chopped onion, chili and garlic till fragrant, add in seasonings to stir well.
3. Then, add in the prefried chicken slices and a little water to cook a while only add in basil leaves, thicken with cornflour solution and serve hot.
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