Thursday, March 1, 2012

木耳蛋 Fungus Eggs

Fungus Eggs

{材料} 黑木耳适量 (洗净撕成小片状), 蛋x 4 粒(敲入碗中打散,加少许胡椒粉), 小葱头 x 2 粒(切碎), 蒜头瓣x2(切碎), 瘦肉适量, 水少许.

{调味料} 酱油1 大匙, 盐少许.


1. 锅内烧热适量的油, 爆香葱与蒜碎后; 加入瘦肉炒至变色.
2. 然后, 加入木耳翻炒一会儿, 调入酱油与盐; 加入适量的水煮至滚后, 加入蛋液, 当它微定行时稍微搅拌, 小火慢煮5分钟即可.

Fungus Eggs

{Ingredients} Black fungus in proper amount (wash and torn into small pieces), egg x 4 (break into bowl, add in some pepper and beat lightly), shallots x 2 (chopped), garlic cloves x 2(chopped), lean pork in proper amount, some water.

{Seasonings} Soya sauce x 1 tsp, little salt.


1. Heat up oil, sauté the chopped shallot and garlic till fragrant. Then, add in lean pork stir fry until change color.
2. Add in black fungus and continue to stir-fry, then add in seasoning and water and bring it to boil. Lastly, pour in egg mixture and stir lightly, cooked under low heat for 5 min and serve.

Previous: 猪肚鱼鳔汤

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