
Showing posts from May, 2022

2种材料纯天然万用紫薯泥(免炒版本) Natural Purple Sweet Potato Paste

    Easier and healthier natural purple sweet potato sauce or puree, kids friendly + multipurpose usage. Without pan fry with just 2 ingredient, not only for bread, steamed bun, cake, also for any recipes that suits your taste such ad cookies, pizza, sago dessert, steam eggs, dipping sauce, pan cake, pie, etc. 天然色素…更快手超简单的纯天然紫薯馅,只需简单材料+免炒版本。这馅料万用哦,除了面包、馒头、蛋糕、也可以做饼干,披萨、西米露、蒸蛋,蘸料、薄饼、派等等。  纯天然紫薯酱  {材料}  紫薯5个  蒸紫薯水50毫升  牛奶100毫升  **可单用牛奶或紫薯水,液体的份量就是150毫升左右,能搅得动就OK了。  {做法}  1. 紫薯洗净表皮,去皮切成小块状,用清水清洗洗几次。  2. 注入清水大约盖住紫薯块,上蒸锅蒸25分钟左右。  3. 蒸好加入牛奶和蒸紫薯的水搅拌成泥状即可。  Natural Purple Sweet Potato Paste  {Ingredients}  Purple sweet potato 5 pieces  Steamed purple sweet potato water 50ml  Milk 100ml  **Can purely use milk or steamed purple sweet potato water, total liquid about 150ml to move the blender considering okay.  {Directions}  1. Clean purple sweet potatoes, peel off skin and cut into small pieces, rinse well with water for few times.  2. Add in water to cover the purple sweet potato pieces, steam f

新加坡亲子游 Family Fun in Singapore

  520,我爱你们,但我也要更懂得爱自己...好想去旅行了,没存够勇气之前就回忆过去先咯,毕竟游记博文停在2016年就没继续写了,是时候该换个方式坚持下去了…从第一次一家四口飞出马来西亚的亲子之旅开始吧…Investing in experiences makes us happier than investing in stuff especially affordable travel experiences😊🥰Is time to write back my travel fun blogs, use a diffrent way this round...Let's start again with meaningful trip👉🏻1st time, family of 4 together travel out from Malaysia. #singapore #memories #throwback #love #cute #smile #kids  Places to go:  S.E.A Aquarium  The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands  Gardens by the Bay  Changi Airport  Singapore Zoo  River Safari  Singapore Flyer  Suntec City  Previous: 猫空四哥的店加动物园一日游,台北

亲子家常炒面 Kids Friendly Fried Noodles

简简单单的家常炒面,下厨可以增添J的自信心,当然前提是她乐意做,从孩子们身上看到能学或重复做自己想做的事是多么简单的幸福。Simple but full of love, kids friendly fried noodles. Cooking can help young kids to build their self-confidence and lay the foundation for healthy eating habits. #亲子活动 #cookingwithkids #亲子家庭味 #eatwellstayhealth  亲子家庭味炒面  {材料}  面条适量(过热水川烫半分钟左右)  鱼饼片适量  胡萝卜丝适量  鸡蛋3粒(加点胡椒粉打散备用)  包菜丝适量  蒜碎1汤匙  小红葱碎1汤匙  青葱段适量  {调味料}  黑酱油1汤匙  酱油2汤匙  蚝油1茶匙  番茄酱2汤匙  豆瓣酱½茶匙  红糖适量  芝麻油1茶匙  清水/高汤 ½ 杯  {做法}  1. 起油锅先把鸡蛋炒熟备用。  2. 再起3汤匙油锅爆香蒜葱碎,加入胡萝卜丝、鱼饼、包菜丝和一半调味料拌炒均匀。  3. 然后,加入面条和另一半的调味料拌炒至上色后加入青葱段和鸡蛋炒均匀或至汁收干即可。  Kids Friendly Fried Noodles  {Ingredients}  Noodles(Blanch over with hot water for 30sec) Some fish cake slices  Some shredded carrots  Egg 3 pcs (beaten with some pepper)  Some shredded cabbage  Chopped garlic 1 tbsp  Chopped shallots 1 tbsp  Some green onions (sectioned)  {Seasonings}  Black soy sauce 1 tbsp  Soy sauce 2 tbsp  Oyster sauce 1 tsp  Tomato sauce 2 tbsp  Bean paste ½ tsp  Some brown sugar  Sesame oil 1 tsp  Water/broths ½ cup  {Dire

预拌粉花生牛油饼 Cookies Mix Version Peanut Butter Cookies

能让两个她都愿意“动起来”的亲子活动就是做饼干,学校假期难得突然想起要做饼干,不想扫兴,只好用家里仅有的饼干预拌粉。School holiday activities must have their's first priority: baking favorite cookies.  预拌粉花生牛油饼  {材料}  牛油饼干预拌粉490克  无盐牛油250克  花生碎30克  鸡蛋1个  {做法}  1. 无盐牛油室温软化后,低速打发至浅黄色,分两次加入鸡蛋液搅拌均匀。  2. 分两次筛入预拌粉搅拌均匀后,加入花生碎,再次翻拌均匀。  3. 揉成软面团,盖好休面10分钟。  4. 每小份约5克,搓成小球状,按成大小一致的圆形状,或放入饼干模具中塑形,冷藏保存待烤。 5. 提前预热好烤箱上下火(不开风扇)170°C,烤10-13分钟左右即可。  Cookies Mix Peanut Butter Cookies  {Ingredients}  Buttery cookies premix flour 490g  Unsalted butter 250g  Peanut powder 30g  Egg 1 pcs  {Directions}  1. Blend room temperature unsalted butter until soften or light yellow color, add in egg mixture and mix well.   2. Sifted in cookie premix flour in batches and mix well after each addition, follow by add in peanut powder and mix well again.  3. Knead into soft dough, cover and let it rest for 10 mins.  4. Divide soft dough into 5g each portions shaping into small ball, press down to make a circle shape, or direct put the soft dough on the cookies mold for shapin