
Showing posts from April, 2022

奶香味香蕉核桃蛋糕 Banana Walnut Cakes

    面包、蛋糕…傻傻分不清楚🫣😅香蕉蛋糕百吃不腻,用纯鲜奶做的香蕉核桃蛋糕有着孩子们大爱的浓郁奶香味儿。Banana cake never disappointed, simply a great recipe to kick start for anyone wish to start to bake for their own.   奶香味香蕉核桃蛋糕  {材料}  熟透香蕉泥350克(提前冷冻保存至少一夜,室温解冻2-3小时使用)  中筋面粉220克  红糖80克  鸡蛋2粒  无盐融化牛油60克  盐 ½茶匙  泡打粉2茶匙  苏打粉½茶匙  核桃碎50克  牛奶100-130毫升  香草精几滴  {做法}  1. 香蕉室温解冻后,压成泥状+红糖+融化无盐黄油+鸡蛋+香草精+粉类搅拌均匀,慢慢地加入牛奶拌均匀后加入核桃碎拌均匀。  2. 把拌好的蛋糕糊倒入模具中,准备烤。  3. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤55-60分钟左右,蛋糕出炉待冷后即可切片享用。  Banana Walnut Cakes  {Ingredients }  Ripe banana 350g (Keep frozen overnight, defrost to room temperature 2-3hours)  All purpose flour 220g  Brown sugar 80g  Eggs 2pcs (grade A)  Melted unsalted butter 60g  Salt ½ tsp  Baking powder 2 tsp  Baking soda ½ tsp  Chopped walnuts 50g  Milk 100-130ml  Vanilla essence few drops  {Directions}  1. Defrost banana in room temperature, mash it + brown sugar + melted unsalted butter + eggs + vanilla essence + flour to mix until fully combined, slowly add in milk and mix well, then add in chopped walnuts and mix well

波兰种黑芝麻面包 Poolish Black Sesame Bun

  One dough for different types of bread or bun. 老面,汤种,烫种和波兰种/液种,最爱还是烫种和波兰种。只能选一种的话,就最爱用波兰种,因为它最容易掌握,基本上最吸引我的是完全不需要更改原食谱。Poolish starter is convenient as DO NOT have to amend any original bread/bun recipe, just add in…that it!    波兰种黑芝麻面包  {波兰种}   高筋面粉50克  干酵母1克  清水50毫升  {主面团材料}  高筋面粉 230克  黑芝麻馅30-80克  干酵母3克  红糖30克  盐3克  无盐黄油20克  鸡蛋55克  鲜奶90-100毫升  {抹皮}  融化无盐牛油  鸡蛋液  炼奶+ 融化牛油  {做法}  1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。  2. 将全部材料放入面包机内(除了黄油)混合均匀(大约5分钟左右),加入黄油揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约50分钟左右)。  3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面搓圆,分成合适的份量,搓成小球状休面十分钟左右,擀平排气搓成小圆球形状或整形做成各种形状的面包。  4. 放烘盘上,盖好做二次发酵(约50分钟),抹上融化牛油/全蛋液/炼奶+融化牛油等。  5. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25分钟左右。  Poolish Black Sesame Bun  {Poolish}  Bread flour 50g  Instant yeast 1g  Water 50g  {Main Ingredients}  Bread flour 230g  Black sesame paste 30-80g  Instant yeast 3g  Brown sugar 30g  Salt 3g  Unsalted butter 20g  Egg 55g Milk 90-100ml  {Glazing}  Melted unsalted butter  Egg mixture  Condensed milk +Melted unsalted butter  {Directions}  1. P

油豆腐茄子焖饭 One Pot Tofu Puff Eggplant Rice

    油豆腐或称为豆腐泡搭配茄子和木耳菜做成一锅熟电饭锅焖饭确实可行哦。油豆腐/豆腐泡既可作蒸、炒、炖之主菜,又可为荤宴素席的配料,是家常食材的佳品之一。Tofupuff + egg plant still brings a perfect taste. Introducing eggplant to our little girls still work in progress💪🏼☺️💪🏼  油豆腐茄子焖饭  {材料}  油豆腐适量  木耳菜适量  茄子2 条  小胡萝卜适量  白米两杯  鸡蛋2粒  青葱丁适量  蒜碎1汤匙  小红葱碎1茶匙  姜碎1茶匙 
 {调味料}   料酒1茶匙  煮两杯米的水  甜酱油1汤匙  酱油 2 大匙  黑酱油1大匙  蚝油1大匙  鱼露1茶匙  麻油1茶匙  盐1茶匙  红糖1茶匙  胡椒粉½茶匙, 混合均匀  **香菇水/清水/高汤50毫升+酱油1汤匙+蚝油½大匙  {做法}  1. 白米两杯(洗净,沥干加入1汤匙橄榄油拌均备用; 鸡蛋2粒(加入一点胡椒粉,酱油和芝麻油打散备用; 木耳菜泡发好,切丝; 小胡萝卜切成小段; 油豆腐切成小块;茄子洗净切片后泡盐水(要炒时,沥干茄子的水分)。  2. 烧热油, 爆香蒜葱与姜碎, 料酒炝锅后加入木耳丝和茄子块炒香, 接着加入萝卜,倒入酱油+蚝油+适量的清水以中大火略炒均后加油豆腐, 倒入洗净白米的其他调味料炒一炒熄火后转移到电饭锅,再加入剩下的煮米水。使用煮饭的设定煮熟。  3. 饭煮好前的3-5分钟,倒入加了点青葱丁的鸡蛋液快速翻拌均匀,煮熟趁热享用。  One Pot Tofu Puff Eggplant Rice  {Ingredients}   Some tofu puff  Some black fungus  Eggplant 2pcs  Some baby carrots  Rice 2 cups Eggs 2 pcs  Some diced green onions  Chopped garlic 1 tbsp  Chopped shallots 1 tsp  Chopped ginger 1 tsp 
 {Seasonings }     Cooking wine 1 tsp  Water to cook 2 cups of rice  Sweet s

木耳炒面 Fried Noodles with Black Fungus

Quick and easy meal ideas👉🏻 Fried Noodles with Black Fungus. 食材简单,做法简易快手的一餐,上班上学天太需要凡事快一点,但不影响活得精彩💪🏼 木耳炒面  {材料}  面4块  黑木耳适量  肉丝适量  胡萝卜丝适量  鱼饼丝适量  鸡蛋4粒  青葱丁适量  青水/高汤适量  小红葱碎适量  蒜碎适量  *猪油+橄榄油  {调味料}   料酒1汤匙  盐½茶匙  酱油2汤匙  黑酱油1茶匙  蚝油1汤匙  番茄酱1汤匙  芝麻油1茶匙  胡椒粉适量  {做法}  1. 木耳菜泡发好切丝,鸡蛋加点盐和胡椒粉打散待用,面条用加了点盐和橄榄油的沸水汆烫1分钟后过凉水待用。  2. 起1汤匙油锅爆香一茶匙小红葱碎,倒入鸡蛋液炒熟待用。  3. 再起两汤匙油锅爆香蒜葱碎,料酒炝锅后加入木耳菜和肉丝炒一炒, 加入鱼饼和胡萝卜丝再炒一下,调入盐和适量清水,继续调入酱油,黑酱油,蚝油和番茄酱,接着倒入面条翻炒均匀。  4. 接着,调入芝麻油和胡椒粉再次炒均匀。  5. 最后,加入鸡蛋和青葱丁拌炒均匀即可。  Fried Noodles with Black Fungus  {Ingredients}   Noodles 4 pcs  Some black fungus  Shredded meats  Some shredded carrots  Some shredded fish cakes  Eggs 4 pcs  Some diced green onions  Some water/ broth  Some chopped shallots  Some chopped garlic  *Lard+olive oil  {Seasonings}  Cooking wine 1 tsp  Salt ½ tsp  Soy sauce 2 tbsp  Black soy sauce 1 tsp  Oyster sauce 1 tbsp  Tomato sauce 1 tbsp  Sesame oil 1 tsp  Some pepper to taste  {Directions}   1. Soaked black fungus till double in size and shredded, beaten

番茄炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes

Q弹滑口,水份刚刚好的番茄/西红柿炒鸡蛋,最家常的一道菜。 Making a simple but delicious dish called "Scrambled eggs with tomatoes”. It's delicious and goes well with rice or noodles. 西红柿炒鸡蛋,合格吗❓How To Cook Tomatoes Eggs: too runny, watery, or simply overcooked…J is passed or not?!  番茄炒鸡蛋  {材料}  番茄3粒  鸡蛋5粒  玉米淀粉水  青葱丁适量  *清水50毫升  *蒜碎1茶匙  *料酒1茶匙  {调味料}  盐1/4 茶匙  椰糖1茶匙  {做法}   1. 鸡蛋加料酒+ 玉米淀粉水(盐、芝麻油和胡椒粉随意)打散至起泡泡。  2. 起油锅, 下青葱炒香,倒入鸡蛋液不停地翻炒均匀,鸡蛋一炒熟马上熄火盛起备用。  3. 起油锅爆香青葱丁,番茄块倒进去翻炒,调入椰糖,炒番茄的时间稍微长一点,直到炒出番茄本身的汤汁, 如果太干适量加点清水。  4. 加入鸡蛋,翻炒,让鸡蛋吸收番茄的汤汁,调入盐炒均。  5. 出锅之前加倒入剩下的玉米淀粉水勾芡即可,趁热享用。  Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes  {Ingredients }  Tomatoes 3 pcs  Eggs 5 pcs  Corn flour solutions  Diced green onions  *Water 50 ml  *Chopped garlic 1 tsp  *Cooking wine 1 tsp  {Seasonings}   Salt 1/4 tsp  Palm sugar/gula melaka 1 tsp  {Directions}  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat the eggs with cooking wine + corn flour solution(salt, sesame oil, ground white pepper optional) and stir to mix well.  2. Heat up olive oil to saute dic