Friday, April 1, 2022

番茄炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes

Q弹滑口,水份刚刚好的番茄/西红柿炒鸡蛋,最家常的一道菜。 Making a simple but delicious dish called "Scrambled eggs with tomatoes”. It's delicious and goes well with rice or noodles. 西红柿炒鸡蛋,合格吗❓How To Cook Tomatoes Eggs: too runny, watery, or simply overcooked…J is passed or not?! 



盐1/4 茶匙 

 1. 鸡蛋加料酒+ 玉米淀粉水(盐、芝麻油和胡椒粉随意)打散至起泡泡。 
2. 起油锅, 下青葱炒香,倒入鸡蛋液不停地翻炒均匀,鸡蛋一炒熟马上熄火盛起备用。 
3. 起油锅爆香青葱丁,番茄块倒进去翻炒,调入椰糖,炒番茄的时间稍微长一点,直到炒出番茄本身的汤汁, 如果太干适量加点清水。 
4. 加入鸡蛋,翻炒,让鸡蛋吸收番茄的汤汁,调入盐炒均。 
5. 出锅之前加倒入剩下的玉米淀粉水勾芡即可,趁热享用。 

Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes 

{Ingredients } 
Tomatoes 3 pcs 
Eggs 5 pcs 
Corn flour solutions 
Diced green onions 
*Water 50 ml 
*Chopped garlic 1 tsp 
*Cooking wine 1 tsp 

Salt 1/4 tsp 
Palm sugar/gula melaka 1 tsp 

1. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat the eggs with cooking wine + corn flour solution(salt, sesame oil, ground white pepper optional) and stir to mix well. 
2. Heat up olive oil to saute diced green onions, pour in egg mixture and keep stirring the beaten eggs until cooked, as soon as the eggs are cooked, dish out and set side. 
3. Heat up oil to saute green onions, add in diced tomatoes and stir-fry until soft, season in Gula Melaka and add in a little water if too dry. 
4. Add in the cooked eggs and stir-fry until cooked through, season in some salt to taste. 
5. Thicken with leftover corn flours solution, serve warm hot. 

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