Friday, March 25, 2022

椰肉西芹木耳菜 Coconuts with Mixed Vegetables


买嫩椰子喝完椰水后,除了生吃就不知道还有什么做法吗?除了煲汤,椰子肉还有挺多的简单家常做法哦。 记得椰子肉别扔掉,刮一刮其实不太麻烦,烦的是该想想家里有什么食材搭配。椰肉炒什么菜好吃呢…木耳、西芹、山药等都是清爽不腻的简易组合哦。 配料随意:枸杞、胡萝卜、甜椒、菇菌类、鸡蛋等都行耶。What to do with young coconut meat after enjoying a fresh coconut water? Besides to use it cooking soup, there is still lots more easy veggies mixed recipes. 



{调味料} 椰水5汤匙 鲍鱼汁1茶匙 盐适量 

1. 木耳菜用沸水汆烫30秒,西芹片用加了点盐和橄榄油的沸水汆烫1分钟后过凉水待用。 
2. 起油锅爆香蒜碎,加入木耳菜炒一炒后加入椰肉,调入鲍鱼汁,盐和椰水炒一下,继续加入西芹片翻炒均匀后中小火煮1-2分钟。 
3. 最后,加入甜椒丁再次炒均煮沸即可。 

Coconuts with Mixed Vegetables 

Coconut meat (shredded, 1 coconut) 
Shredded celery/ Chinese yam 
Black fungus pieces 
Diced red bell pepper/ gojiberries 
Olive oil 2 tbsp 
Chopped garlic 1 tbsp 
*some shredded carrots 

{Seasonings} Coconut water 5 tbsp Abalone sauce 1 tsp Some salt to taste 

1. Blanch over the black fungus with boiling water for 30 seconds, celery with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 
2. Heat up olive oil to saute garlic, add black fungus to stir-fry, then add coconut meat, season in abalone sauce, salt and coconut water, follow by add in celery to continue stir frying under medium low heat for 1-2 mins. 
3. Lastly, add in diced bell pepper to mix well and bring to boil again. Serve hot. 

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