Friday, June 3, 2022

紫薯豆奶桃胶雪燕皂角米西米露 Soy Milk Purple Sweet Potato Peach Gum XueYan Saponin Rice Sago Dessert


QQ西米配紫薯+桃胶+豆奶, 对超爱紫色的我是种超疗愈的紫色系甜品。紫薯的营养延伸成夢幻的颜色,配上Q弹的桃胶+豆奶淡淡的香气,清爽好喝哟。Purple sweet potatoes sago dessert with peach gum snow bird nest and saponin rice, plus soy milk make a dessert that full of attractive taste buds and also lovely color 🥰 



1. 桃胶皂角米雪燕独立包装2包(隔夜泡发至少12小时,雪燕分开泡哦) 
2. 隔夜泡好后,简单的清理一下桃胶和雪燕的杂质, 把桃胶皂角米和清水1000毫升先放入高压锅煮12分钟左右。 
3. 紫薯洗净表皮,去皮切成小块状,用清水清洗,洗几次后沥干水分, 上蒸锅蒸25分钟左右。 
4. 一锅清水煮沸后(一定要等水烧开才能放下去),放入西米中小火煮至留有小白点,熄火关盖焖15分钟至透明,焖好的西米用凉水洗2-3遍后沥干备用。 
5. 把雪燕,蒸好的紫薯和西米放入高压锅(想要甜点的,这时加入冰糖), 再煮1分钟即可享用, 加入适量的豆奶拌均颜色更迷人。 

Soy Milk Purple Sweet Potato Peach Gum XueYan Saponin Rice Sago Dessert 

Sago 60g 
Purple sweet potato 500g 
Peach Gum XueYan Saponin Rice Combination 2 small pack 
Water 1000ml 
Some soy milk 
*Rock sugar 30g 

1. Peach gum/snow lotus seed/snow bird nest individual pack x 2 (soak overnight separately in refrigerator for at least 12 hours) 
2. Simple clean the peach gum and snow bird nest, remove impurities, put peach gum, saponin rice and water 1000ml into pressure cooker to cook for 12 mins. 
3. Clean purple sweet potatoes, peel off skin and cut into small pieces, rinse well with water for few times, drain well and steam for 25 mins. 
4. To cook sago, bring a pot of water to boil (must boiling), only put in sago and cook under medium small heat until you see small tiny white dot in the middle (remember to keep stirring occasionally), turn off heat and covered the pot, let stand for about 15 mins to allow the centre of sago pearl to cook through. Sieve and rinse the cooked through sago with water 2-3 times, drain well. 
5. Follow by add in snow bird nest (XueYan), steamed purple sweet potato and cooked sago in to pressure cooker (if wish to add in rock sugar, add in now), cook for another 1 min and ready to serve, add in right amount of soy milk to have more attracting purple color. 

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