Friday, June 10, 2022

紫薯花生酱披萨Peanut Butter Purple Sweet Potato Pizza

 Easier and healthier natural purple sweet potato sauce + peanut butter pizza 天然色素…超快手简单的纯天然紫薯馅+花生酱做出的披萨。 



1. 无盐黄油室温融化后加入花生酱拌均匀。 
2. 即用披萨皮抹上花生牛油酱, 接着抹上适量的紫薯泥。 
3. 再铺满马苏里拉芝士,预热烤箱210°C,烤10分钟左右。 

Purple Sweet Potato Peanut Butter Pizza 

Instant pizza crust 2pcs 
Unsalted butter 25g 
Peanut butter 1 tbsp 
Some purple sweet potatoes paste 
Mozzarella cheese 200g 

1. Unsalted butter let stand in room temperature until soft, add in peanut butter and mix well. 
2. Spreading the peanut butter on instant pizza crust, follow by purple sweet potatoes paste. 
3. Then, top with enough mozzarella cheese, Pre-heated oven 210°C, bake for 10mins. 

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