
Showing posts from December, 2022

红豆桂花彩色汤圆 Mixed Color Glutinous Balls

  红豆桂花彩色汤圆 Mixed Color Glutinous Ball Prepare colors glutinous balls in advance, only need to prepare soup base when wish to eat. 彩色汤圆提前做好速冻保存,随吃随取…  彩色亲子汤圆的视频  紫水晶汤圆  西米红豆汤圆糖水 Red Bean Sago Soup Base  {材料}  西米50克 Sago 50g  *煮西米的水500毫升* Water to cook sago 500ml  红豆150克 Red bean 150g  红糖适量 Some brown sugar  老姜一小块 Old ginger 1 small pcs  斑斓叶3片 Pandan leaves 3 pcs  清水500毫升 Water 500ml  桂花1汤匙 Osmanthus flower 1 tbsp  彩色汤圆适量 Some frozen mixed color glutinous balls  {做法Directions} 1. 500毫升的水煮沸后加入50克西米,再次煮沸后换小火一边搅拌一边煮大约10分钟左右或煮至只剩白色小点后,熄火盖好焖15分钟。Bring 500ml of water to boil only add in 50g of sago, once boil again switch to low heat to cook for 10mins or until only small white dot, off heat and simmer with covered for 15 mins.  2. 煮西米红豆糖水时,高压锅中加入500毫升清水+老姜一小块+斑斓叶+红糖和红豆,按下煮汤键煮熟后再加入西米拌均匀保温待用即可。To cook soup base, add in 500ml of water + old ginger piece + pandan leave + brown sugar + red bean, press cook “soup” button to cook, once don

豆苗桂花粉丝 Osmanthus Eggs with Pea Sprouts

Stir-fry eggs, dried scallops with glass noodles and pea sprouts, modified version Chinese style scrambled eggs aka Osmanthus Eggs. 如何在家煮出简单美味,能吃又能看的佳肴…改良版的干贝桂花翅,加了豆苗的家庭味。  干贝豆苗桂花粉丝 Osmanthus Eggs with Pea Sprouts  {粉丝材料Glass Noodle Ingredients}  粉丝30克 Glass noodles 30g  鸡精汁½ 茶匙Concentrated chicken stock ½ tsp  盐¼ 茶匙 Salt ¼ tsp  蘑菇江鱼仔粉/左口鱼粉 ¼ 茶匙 Mushroom anchovies powder/Flounder fish powder ¼ tsp  糖 ¼ 茶匙 Sugar ¼ tsp  水 5汤匙 Water 5 tbsp  {材料A Ingredients A}  橄榄油 3 汤匙 Olive oil 3 tbsp  蒜碎1½汤匙 Chopped garlic 1½ tbsp  干贝 3 汤匙 Dried scallops 3 tbsp  豆苗60克 Some pea sprouts 60g  {鸡蛋材料 Egg Ingredients}  鸡蛋4粒 Eggs 4 pcs  玉米淀粉 1汤匙 Corn starch 1 tbsp  水1汤匙 Water 1 tbsp  盐少许Some salt to taste  干贝1 汤匙Dried scallop meat 1 tbsp  胡椒粉少许 Some pepper  橄榄油5汤匙 Olive oil 5 tbsp  花雕酒1-2汤匙 Huadiao wine 1-2 tbsp  {做法Directions}   1. 粉丝洗一洗备用,鸡蛋加入玉米淀粉水、盐、干贝碎丝、和胡椒粉搅拌至均匀有泡沫备用。Clean glass noodle in advance, add corn starch water, salt, pepper and dried scallops in egg mixture, beaten until smooth and slightly b

香菇海参焖猪手Braised Pork Knuckle with Sea Cucumber

Year end is festive season especially December is a celebration month for our anniversary and holiday mood, easy pressure cooker recipe👉🏻Braised pork fore leg with sea cucumber and mushroom. Let’s practice some festive dishes in advance. 气压锅简易年菜👉🏻泡好的猪婆参+猪手(前猪脚)+香菇+水煮蛋就是一道上得了桌面的节日佳肴…海参特别是这类级别的只在值得庆祝的日子或佳节间偶尔出现😄  香菇海参焖猪手Braised Pork Fore Leg with Sea Cucumber and Mushroom  {材料Ingredients}  猪手一盒 1 box pork fore leg  泡好海参1只 Sea cucumber 1 pcs  香菇丝6朵 Shredded Shiitake mushrooms 6pcs  蒜头两颗 Whole garlic 2pc  姜块1块 Ginger piece 1 pcs  水煮蛋适量 Some hard boiled eggs  {调味料Seasonings}  酱油2汤匙 Soy sauce 2 tbsp  黑酱油1茶匙 Black soy sauce 1 tsp  蚝油1汤匙 Oyster sauce 1 tbsp  盐适量 Salt to taste  芝麻油1茶匙 Sesame oil 1 tsp  清水50毫升 Water 50ml  ***拌均匀 Mix well.  清水200毫升Water 200ml   {做法Directions}  1. 先把水煮鸡蛋煮熟剥壳备用。Cook hard boiled eggs in advance, peel away the shell and set aside.  2. 猪手和猪婆参过清水冲洗干净, 切大块状。Clean pork fore leg pieces and sea cucumber through running water, cut sea cucumber into pieces.  3. 蒜头洗净割几刀帮

沙葛鱿鱼丝 Jiu Hu Char/Bang Kuang Char

Festive dish or CNY dish in our house. Stir-Fried Yam Bean with dry shredded cuttlefish. Yam bean is also known by many other names. Among them are Yam bean is also known by many other names. Among them are Bang Kuang (Hokkien), jicama (Spanish), bengkuang (Indonesia), sengkuang (Malay), sa kot (Cantonese), man pao (Laos), man kaeo (Thai), kesaur (India) and kuzu-imo (Japanese). An easy dish that perfect for any days. 福建人过年过节都想吃的家庭味。煮的过程特简单,只是准备过程需要点耐心…虽然要好吃不能偷懒,但还是会用刨丝神器,手工切丝太费事费力不讨好啦🫢🫣😬  沙葛鱿鱼丝Jiu Hu Char/Bang Kuang Char  {材料Ingredients}  沙葛1个 Yam bean 1 pcs  鱿鱼丝适量 Some dry shredded cuttlefish  胡萝卜丝适量 Some shredded carrots  香菇丝适量 Some shredded Shiitake mushrooms  猪肉丝适量 Some shredded pork strips  猪油30克 Pork lard 30g  蒜碎5汤匙 Chopped garlic 5 tbsp  小红葱碎 3汤匙 Chopped shallots 3 tbsp  姜碎1茶匙 Chopped ginger 1 tsp  {调味料Seasonings}  酱油5汤匙 Soy sauce 5 tbsp  黑酱油2汤匙 Black soy sauce 2 tbsp  蚝油2汤匙 Oyster sauce 2 tbsp  盐1 1/2 茶匙 Salt to taste 1 1/2 tsp  胡椒粉适量 Some pepper  {做法Directions}  1. 用猪油爆香蒜葱