Thursday, December 1, 2022

沙葛鱿鱼丝 Jiu Hu Char/Bang Kuang Char

Festive dish or CNY dish in our house. Stir-Fried Yam Bean with dry shredded cuttlefish. Yam bean is also known by many other names. Among them are Yam bean is also known by many other names. Among them are Bang Kuang (Hokkien), jicama (Spanish), bengkuang (Indonesia), sengkuang (Malay), sa kot (Cantonese), man pao (Laos), man kaeo (Thai), kesaur (India) and kuzu-imo (Japanese). An easy dish that perfect for any days. 福建人过年过节都想吃的家庭味。煮的过程特简单,只是准备过程需要点耐心…虽然要好吃不能偷懒,但还是会用刨丝神器,手工切丝太费事费力不讨好啦🫢🫣😬 

沙葛鱿鱼丝Jiu Hu Char/Bang Kuang Char 

沙葛1个 Yam bean 1 pcs 
鱿鱼丝适量 Some dry shredded cuttlefish 
胡萝卜丝适量 Some shredded carrots 
香菇丝适量 Some shredded Shiitake mushrooms 
猪肉丝适量 Some shredded pork strips 
猪油30克 Pork lard 30g 
蒜碎5汤匙 Chopped garlic 5 tbsp 
小红葱碎 3汤匙 Chopped shallots 3 tbsp 
姜碎1茶匙 Chopped ginger 1 tsp 

酱油5汤匙 Soy sauce 5 tbsp 
黑酱油2汤匙 Black soy sauce 2 tbsp 
蚝油2汤匙 Oyster sauce 2 tbsp 
盐1 1/2 茶匙 Salt to taste 1 1/2 tsp 
胡椒粉适量 Some pepper 

1. 用猪油爆香蒜葱姜碎,加入香菇丝炒香后,加入肉丝翻炒一下。Melting pork lard to sauté chopped garlic, ginger and shallots, follow by add in shredded shiitake mushroom, then add in pork strips to continue stir frying. 
2. 加入鱿鱼丝,胡萝卜丝和沙葛丝翻炒片刻, 调入调味料,以中小火慢慢地炒至水分收干即可。Add in shredded dry cuttlefish, carrots and yam bean, follow by seasonings, stir frying under medium low heat until thickened. 

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