
Showing posts from December, 2021

Disneyland Fireworks Show 迪士尼乐园烟火秀回忆录

Normal version 🆚 New Year version Disneyland fireworks show. Memories of Disneyland Fireworks Show , from Orlando, Florida, USA (9 years ago)and Tokyo, Japan(3 & 2 years ago). A new year is filled with possibilities, so continue to dream big and believe in yourself this year! Remember, no matter what the year brings, you are loved and you are strong. Happy 2022, so glad we’re able to spend time together after a whole year!  跨年免不了要有烟火秀才感觉完整,终于抵不过天使们的要求而下定决心编辑好属于我们的迪士尼烟火回忆录。九年前(美国,奥兰多)+3年前+2年前(日本,东京)的回忆录,不好意思哈…C&J很爱看烟火秀,近期又一直循环播放迪士尼乐园的烟火表演咯…好吧,就编辑一下目前属于我们的🎇迪士尼烟火秀🎆 愿2022年继续清醒自律知进退,别拖泥带水,不骄不躁,沉稳淡定。就算不完美,也得做个真实、深情和懂得谢幕的男女人,记得人的一生唯有善良不可辜负,但善的底线是维护正义。Happy 2022 in advance! Previous:蜜汁烤鸡翅 Honey Baked Chicken Wings  

蜜汁烤鸡翅+烤番薯 Honey Baked Chicken Wings + Oven Baked Sweet Potatoes

蜜汁鸡翅,天使们爱钦点的佳节料理。佳节来临之际或期间,超爱烤箱料理,快手且方便。也许她们体谅「婆妈」这么烤省时省力,不用特别忙东忙西多陪她们玩乐,呵呵。  蜜汁烤鸡翅   {材料} 鸡翅10只,蜜糖1 ½汤匙。  {腌料} 蒜碎1汤匙,蚝油1汤匙,酱油½汤匙,椰糖1汤匙,盐½茶匙,蜜糖½汤匙。  {做法}  1. 鸡翅以腌料腌至少3小时或隔夜。  2. 腌好的鸡翅放上烤盘,腌汁+蜂蜜拌均匀,抹上一层蜜汁,烤箱预热200°C, 烤15分钟左右。  3. 再抹上一层蜜汁,翻面继续抹蜜汁,再烤15分钟左右或至皮有些许焦就OK了。  Honey Baked Chicken Wings  {Ingredients} Chicken wings 10 pieces, honey 1 ½ tbsp.  {Marinades} Chopped garlic 1 tbsp, oyster sauce 1 tbsp , soy sauce ½ tbsp, palm sugar 1 tbsp, salt ½ tsp, honey ½ tbsp.  {Directions}  1. Marinate chicken wings with marinades for 3 hours or overnight.  2. After marinade, arrange chicken wings well on baking tray, marinades + honey to mix well, apply a layer and bake in pre-heated oven 200°C for 15 mins.  3. Then, brush another layer of honey sauce, flip over and apply another layer too, continue to bake for another 15 mins.  Previous:紫水晶汤圆 Purple Crystal Glutinous Ball

Q弹有嚼劲的紫水晶汤圆 Purple Crystal Glutinous Ball with Purple Sweet Potatoes, Red Bean and Black Sesame Filling (Tang Yuan)

Q弹有嚼劲的紫水晶汤圆,做了三种馅料:黑芝麻、紫薯和红豆的。看似简单但对初学者来说还是要注意木薯粉和水的份量,不过只要有恒心多试试做几次就能慢慢做到要诀,不过手脚慢的我,包到最后一样面对粉团慢慢地干了,不易包到美美哒💪🏼😅Crystal tang yuan is made with tapioca flour with colorful filling inside. When cooked, the dough turn almost transparent. Crystal glutinous ball is a challenge for new learner as hands on found out there is still need to balance up the portion of flour and water, keep trying will get a better idea what is the correct portion as different brand of flour, different absorption of water.  黑芝麻紫薯红豆紫水晶汤圆  {皮材料} 木薯粉70克 白砂糖10克 蝶豆花水80-90毫升+柠檬汁几滴 玉米油10克  {馅料} 黑芝麻、紫薯和红豆馅  {糖水} 去皮生姜+红糖1汤匙+清水300毫升煮沸后加入少许泡过热水1分钟的桂花/枸杞子。  {做法}  1. 蝶豆花水一半+木薯粉拌均匀待用。另一半的蝶豆花水+白砂糖和玉米油煮沸熄火,加入拌均匀的木薯粉蝶豆花水不断地搅拌至拌成软团(过程大约10-15分钟,粉团只需要八分熟,有点流质状态的,很黏手的,要有耐心搓揉)。  2. 如果说粉团不够八成熟,分一半再回锅中小火加热一下,然后再继续搓揉成细腻柔软粉团,休面5分钟。  3. 分割成小段状,搓成小丸子。预备撒上一些木薯粉的盘,把冷冻的馅料拿出,皮的重量比馅料少(馅料8克,皮就8克以下)。  4. 把小丸子按下摊开,包入馅料捏紧搓圆,撒上薄木薯粉防粘(多做不马上煮的,放入密封容器中,一样撒上一层薄木薯粉冷冻保存)。  5. 把清水煮沸后,放入汤圆再次煮沸后(过程中记得轻轻地搅拌1-2次避免粘锅底),转中小火煮至浮起,加半杯冷水再次煮沸后熄火焖10分钟左右。  暖心贴士:  1.

红糖减油黑芝麻馅 How to Make Black Sesame Paste Healthier

亲子版减糖减油与正常版的黑芝麻馅料都有各自的特点和口感。减糖减油版的成品比较适合做汤圆馅,特别是水晶汤圆少油馅料最容易包。而正常版的适合做包子、面包与蛋糕等多种中西烘培小甜点。Black sesame paste is used as a filling in baking and some sweet and savory dishes in Asian cuisines.  红糖减油粗黑芝麻馅  {馅料} 黑芝麻230克,白芝麻20克,猪油/无盐黄油35克,红糖50克,盐一小撮,蜂蜜2汤匙  {做法}  1. 黑白芝麻洗净,沥干水份后放上铺了一层烘培纸的烤盘上摊开来,放入预热150°C 5分钟的烤箱烤15分钟翻拌一下直到白芝麻微黄(大约翻拌3次就OK了)。  2. 烤好的黑芝麻待凉后, 分两次放入搅拌器中搅成粗粉状。  3. 粗黑芝麻粉放入预热好的锅中,加入红糖、盐,蜂蜜,猪油和融化无盐黄油拌至糖完全溶化。  4. 待凉后即可塑形,依个人喜好搓成大小合适的丸子状(冷冻保存可耐3个月)。  ***正常版的口感细腻些,因为直接用搅拌器搅拌均匀,但油腻感挺重,因为芝麻本身搅拌久了会出油。分批慢慢加芝麻出油量到最后更大,可以的话一次过加牛油的用量反而不必过多,但是一次过加,大多搅拌器都会搅不动😅…反复试过几次后,觉得芝麻就分批加搅成粗粉/细粉(细的话出油量肯定多一点)后用温热锅拌均匀即可最适合不太爱油的亲们。  Brown Sugar Black Sesame Paste  {Ingredients} Black sesame 230g, white sesame 20g, lard/ unsalted butter 35g, brown sugar 50g, a pinch salt, honey 2 tbsp.  {Directions}  1. Wash black&white sesame through running water, drain well and evenly spread on baking pan that layering with baking sheet. Pre-heated oven 150°C 5 mins, bake for 15mins, use spatula to stir every 5 mins unt

使用iTunes Producer发布你的免费电子书和怎么避免犯下一些基本错误 How to publish your FREE ebook on Apple Books with iTunes Producer and avoid those common mistakes

这视频记录如何使用iTunes Producer发布你的免费电子书和怎么避免犯下一些基本错误😅。虽然已经是第三次用iTunes Producer发布我的免费电子书,还是会遇到问题。这是第一次用 Pages 写的电子书,之前两本都是用 iBooks Author (那时候纯粹试试,写得一塌糊涂🤪)。第三本电子书最用心去理解怎么才能写好一本简单明了的eBook,看似挺简单,因为本意就是想总结记录一下10年写心情杂记博文的精华,但竟然用了将近一年才编辑好(能挤出的时间依然还有进步的空间☺️)👉🏻正向心灵胶原蛋白修心语录 。How to publish your ebook on Apple Books and avoid those common mistakes. This video is sharing simple steps how my 3rd FREE ebook👉🏻 Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness published through iTunes Producer.  Still in little "mess" situation while going through publishing process. First time use Pages to write my eBook, previous 2 ebooks using iBooks Author to write. So, would like to keep a record for future reference☺️💪🏻💜 Simple guideline as per below:  3 ways to publish ebook: 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 1️⃣Publish your books with iTunes Pr

轻松熬制猪油 Homemade Lard

在家轻松熬制猪油,猪油的用处挺多的,除了家常饭菜以外,许多中式包点,甜点等离不开它。猪油渣拌饭或拌米粉面类也行,也可以撒上任何菜类食物等增添香气。偶尔吃,不会影响健康的。Homemade lard, can be used for baking, or any cooking, is a secret ingredient in some of the oriental style recipes. Don’t consume frequently wont be impacting your healthy lifestyle😉.  熬猪油  {材料}  猪板油, 水+盐少许  {做法}  1. 切小块洗净,放入锅中加入半小碗水与盐中大火熬煮后转小火慢慢熬,等到熬至猪油渣变成浅金黄(大约25分钟左右),捞起猪油渣,待凉后倒入容器中,放冰箱冷藏可耐3个月。  ***猪油渣待凉后密封保存,一周内吃完最好哦!  Homemade Lard  {Ingredients}  Pork fat back, Water + little salt  {Directions}  1. Cut into small pieces and washed, put into the pot, add some water+ little salt to cook under medium heat until water almost dry up, turn to low heat to slow fry it until golden yellow color (takes about 25 mins), leave to cool only pour in air tight container, refrigerated can keep it up to 2-3 months.  ***Crispy fried lard pieces cooled down completely only store in air tight container, can last for about a week.  Previous: 紫薯杂蔬日式咖喱 Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Vegetables Curry

紫薯杂蔬日式咖喱盖鸡蛋意面 Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Vegetables Curry Over Pasta and Fried Egg

  紫薯杂蔬日式咖喱盖鸡蛋意面,这样搭配很亲子哦,至少我家天使大大大爱😊Japanese curry over pasta and fried egg, one of popular kid’s favorite dishes in our 🏠.  紫薯杂蔬日式咖喱  {材料}  紫薯块, 白菜花, 胡萝卜块, 高丽菜丝, 日式咖喱块1小盒 ,清水650毫升, 蒜葱碎适量。 {做法}  1. 爆香蒜葱碎,加入紫薯、萝卜块、白菜花,高丽菜丝和清水拌均盖好焖煮15分钟左右。  2. 加入咖喱块,轻轻搅拌至咖喱块融化,再焖煮8-10分钟左右即可。  3. 把煮好的咖喱淋上煮好的面条。  Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Vegetables Curry  {Ingredients}  Purple sweet potatoes,  cauliflower, carrot pieces, shredded cabbage, Japanese curry sauce mix 1 pack, water 650ml, chopped garlic and shallots. {Directions}  1. Saute ingredients, add bite sized pieces of vegetables and water, cover and simmer cook for 15 mins.  2. Add curry said mix, stir gently until dissolved, simmer cook for another 8-10 mins.  3. Serve over cooked pasta or noodles.  Previous: 自制简易亲子意大利青酱通心粉与面条 Macaroni and Noodles Homemade Pesto with Scallops