Wednesday, December 8, 2021

轻松熬制猪油 Homemade Lard

在家轻松熬制猪油,猪油的用处挺多的,除了家常饭菜以外,许多中式包点,甜点等离不开它。猪油渣拌饭或拌米粉面类也行,也可以撒上任何菜类食物等增添香气。偶尔吃,不会影响健康的。Homemade lard, can be used for baking, or any cooking, is a secret ingredient in some of the oriental style recipes. Don’t consume frequently wont be impacting your healthy lifestyle😉. 

猪板油, 水+盐少许 

1. 切小块洗净,放入锅中加入半小碗水与盐中大火熬煮后转小火慢慢熬,等到熬至猪油渣变成浅金黄(大约25分钟左右),捞起猪油渣,待凉后倒入容器中,放冰箱冷藏可耐3个月。 

Homemade Lard 

Pork fat back, Water + little salt 

1. Cut into small pieces and washed, put into the pot, add some water+ little salt to cook under medium heat until water almost dry up, turn to low heat to slow fry it until golden yellow color (takes about 25 mins), leave to cool only pour in air tight container, refrigerated can keep it up to 2-3 months. 
***Crispy fried lard pieces cooled down completely only store in air tight container, can last for about a week. 

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