Wednesday, December 15, 2021

红糖减油黑芝麻馅 How to Make Black Sesame Paste Healthier

亲子版减糖减油与正常版的黑芝麻馅料都有各自的特点和口感。减糖减油版的成品比较适合做汤圆馅,特别是水晶汤圆少油馅料最容易包。而正常版的适合做包子、面包与蛋糕等多种中西烘培小甜点。Black sesame paste is used as a filling in baking and some sweet and savory dishes in Asian cuisines. 



1. 黑白芝麻洗净,沥干水份后放上铺了一层烘培纸的烤盘上摊开来,放入预热150°C 5分钟的烤箱烤15分钟翻拌一下直到白芝麻微黄(大约翻拌3次就OK了)。 
2. 烤好的黑芝麻待凉后, 分两次放入搅拌器中搅成粗粉状。 
3. 粗黑芝麻粉放入预热好的锅中,加入红糖、盐,蜂蜜,猪油和融化无盐黄油拌至糖完全溶化。 
4. 待凉后即可塑形,依个人喜好搓成大小合适的丸子状(冷冻保存可耐3个月)。 


Brown Sugar Black Sesame Paste 

{Ingredients} Black sesame 230g, white sesame 20g, lard/ unsalted butter 35g, brown sugar 50g, a pinch salt, honey 2 tbsp. 

1. Wash black&white sesame through running water, drain well and evenly spread on baking pan that layering with baking sheet. Pre-heated oven 150°C 5 mins, bake for 15mins, use spatula to stir every 5 mins until white sesame lightly brown (stir for total about 3 times). 
2. After done baked, let it cool only divide into 2 portions and start slow blending process until it become rough powder or smooth type. 
3. Preheat the pot and off heat when enough warm hot, add in blended black sesame powder, brown sugar, salt, honey , lard and melted unsalted butter, mix until the sugar fully dissolved. 
4. Let it cool only start shaping process, keep frozen can last for 3 months. 

***Smooth texture, using blender all the way but the paste will be more “oily” because when blending for more longer time, sesame oil will be naturally come out to make the blending process more smooth. 

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