
Showing posts from December, 2019

夏南瓜腐竹炒冬粉 Fried Glass Noodle with Zucchini and Dried Beancurd Sticks

夏南瓜腐竹炒冬粉 Fried Glass Noodle with Zucchini and Dried Beancurd Sticks 炒的过程算是一气呵成! 我家有两个贪吃娃,从天使那里领悟到原来 虾饼 配任何粉面饭类都不错吃的哟,哈哈哈! 夏南瓜腐竹炒冬粉 {材料} 粉丝(泡软或过热水川烫一分钟左右),夏南瓜丝,腐竹(泡软切丝),胡萝卜丝,香菇丝,鸡蛋1粒,肉碎2-3汤匙(加点芝麻油和胡椒粉腌5分钟),蒜碎和小红葱碎。 {调味料} 酱油1茶匙,豆瓣酱 ½ 茶匙,高汤 ½ 杯 。 {做法} 1. 起油锅爆香蒜葱碎, 加入香菇丝,夏南瓜丝,肉碎,腐竹丝和胡萝卜丝和调味料拌炒均匀。 2. 然后,加入粉丝拌炒1-2分钟左右后加入鸡蛋炒均匀或至汁收干即可。 Fried Glass Noodle with Zucchini and Dried Beancurd Sticks {Ingredients} Glass noodle (Soaked till tender or blanch over with hot water for 1 mins), shredded zucchini, dried beancurd sticks( soaked till tender and shredded), shredded carrots, shredded shiitake mushroom, egg x 1, minced pork x 2-3tbsp (marinate with some sesame oil and pepper for 5 mins), chopped garlic and shallots. {Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, bean paste x ½ tsp, broths x ½ cup. {Directions} 1. Heat up frying pan with some oil to saute chopped garlic and shallot till fragrant, add in mushroom, zucchini, minced pork, dried beancurd stick and carrot plus se