
Showing posts from July, 2022

紫薯夹心三明治 Purple Sweet Potatoes Sandwiches

    一人份的快手蛋煎紫薯芝士三明治🥪Quick meal for 1 person  紫薯芝士三明治Purple Sweet Potatoes Cheese Sandwich  {材料Ingredients}  紫薯泥2汤匙 Purple sweet potato paste 2 tbsp  面包2片 Bread 2 slices  鸡蛋2粒 Egg 2 pieces  车打芝士1片 Cheddar cheese 1 piece  美乃滋适量 Some mayonnaise   盐和糖适量 Some salt and sugar  {做法Directions}  1. 鸡蛋加适量的盐和糖打散备用。挤出适量的美乃滋在面包上,再抹上紫薯泥,放上车打芝士后盖上另一片面包。In a clean bowl, beaten eggs with some salt and sugar, set aside. Squeeze some mayonnaise on top of bread, spreading the purple sweet potato paste evenly, put on a slice of cheddar cheese and then top with another slice of bread.  2. 平底锅中火预热,放入适量的无盐牛油,面包双面蘸满鸡蛋液,双面煎至金黄色即可。Pre-heat pan over medium heat, add in some unsalted butter, fully dipping bread with egg mixture, fry until both sides turn to golden yellow color.  Previous:紫薯馅牛油杯子蛋糕Purple Sweet Potatoes Paste Butter Cupcake

紫薯牛油杯子蛋糕 Purple Sweet Potato Butter Cupcakes

Purple sweet potatoes paste butter cupcakes. 全蛋打发的紫薯馅牛油杯子蛋糕,糖可以自行调整,因为此次的紫薯馅完全不甜,这次的杯子蛋糕有特意加多糖的份量哦。  紫薯馅牛油杯子蛋糕Purple Sweet Potatoes Paste Butter Cupcake  {材料Ingredients}  无盐牛油245克 Unsalted butter 245g  蛋糕粉200克 Violet cake flour 200g  蔗糖160克 Cane sugar 160g  紫薯泥160克 Purple sweet potato paste 160g  鸡蛋5粒(A级)Eggs 5pcs (grade A)  牛奶80毫升(2次放)Milk 80ml (add by 2 times)  泡打粉½茶匙 Baking powder ½ tsp  {做法Directions}  1. 紫薯提前蒸熟做成紫薯泥备用, 把泡打粉加入蛋糕粉拌均待用。Purple sweet potato pieces steam for 25 mins or until soft, add baking powder to cake flour, set aside.  2. 室温软化的无盐牛油加蔗糖搅拌至牛油蓬松颜色变浅时加入紫薯泥搅拌均匀后,鸡蛋一粒一粒地加入,每次搅拌均匀之后再加一粒直到加完为止。Whisk unsalted butter that melted in room temperature together with cane sugar until color slightly turn light, add in purple sweet potatoes paste and mix well again, follow by add in egg 1 pcs each, mix well each time only add in another egg until finished.  3. 把蛋糕粉过筛后加入,用中低速1档搅打1分钟,高速3档搅打10分钟左右。Add in sifted cake flour, whisk at medium low speed 1 for 1 min, then at high speed 3 fo

预拌粉紫薯杯子蛋糕Purple Sweet Potatoes Cupcake 【 Cake Mix Recipe】

    之前拍过预拌粉紫薯杯子蛋糕,想说这次试试拍做紫薯馅双层蛋糕,但是一不小心翻车了😅,想分享丑丑的蛋糕是因为外形翻车的过程太无预警地惊喜到我啦…可惜没拍到孩子们怎么弄成这样但预拌粉做的蛋糕口感很好的。Layer cake not perfectly made but the texture and flavor was good☺️ 预拌粉紫薯蛋糕Purple Sweet Potatoes Cake with Cake Mix  {材料Ingredients}  低糖海绵蛋糕预拌粉500克 Sponge cake low sugar premix 500g  鸡蛋9粒(A级/总数500克)Eggs 9pcs (grade A/500g in total)  清水/牛奶125毫升 Water/milk 125ml  紫薯水3汤匙 Purple sweet potato water 3 tbsp  紫薯泥3汤匙 Purple sweet potato paste 3 tbsp  玉米油100毫升 Corn oil 100ml  {做法Directions}  1. 把预拌粉、鸡蛋、牛奶、紫薯水和紫薯泥用低速1档搅打1分钟,高速3档搅打10分钟左右。Whisk sponge cake mix, eggs, milk, purple sweet potatoes water and paste at speed 1 for 1 min, then at speed 3 for about 10 mins.  2. 加入玉米油,转换成低速1档搅拌1分钟,把面糊倒入蛋糕的模具中。Add in corn oil and whisk at speed 1 for another 1 min, then pour batter into ungreased cake pan.  3. 预热烤箱170°C,三层蛋糕烤25分钟;杯子蛋糕烤18分钟左右即可(烤箱温度得自行拿捏)。Pre-heated oven 170°C, 3 layers cake bake for 25 mins, cupcakes bake for 18mins (Oven temperature adjust accordingly).  Previous: 紫薯水果燕菜果冻 Purple Sweet Pot

紫薯水果燕菜果冻 Purple Sweet Potato Fruits Jelly 

  Summer desserts: homemade purple sweet potato colorful refreshing fruits jelly. Perfect to make use of the seasonal fruits! 紫薯超适合做甜点, 夏天怎能少了燕菜果冻的甜品解解暑,继续将紫薯用到底做了个彩色紫薯水果燕菜果冻。    紫薯水果燕菜果冻 Purple Sweet Potato Fruit Jelly   {紫薯泥 Purple Sweet Potato Paste}  紫薯泥200克 Purple sweet potato paste 200g  椰浆100克 Coconut milk 100g  第一层 1st Layer  紫薯泥 Purple sweet potato paste  椰浆150毫升 Coconut milk 150ml  细砂糖20克 Caster sugar 20g  即溶果冻粉½ 茶匙 Jelly powder ½ tsp  燕菜粉2 茶匙 Agar powder 2 tsp  *口感嫩滑细腻,请再加50克清水。Please add additional 50ml of water if prefer smoother texture.  第二层 2nd Layer  紫薯水350毫升 Purple sweet potato water 350ml  细砂糖30克 Caster sugar 30g  即溶果冻粉½ 茶匙 Jelly powder ½ tsp  燕菜粉2 茶匙 Agar powder 2 tsp  第三层 3rd Layer  清水300毫升 Water 300ml  细砂糖10克 Caster sugar 10g  即溶果冻粉1/4 茶匙 Jelly powder 1/4 tsp  燕菜粉1 茶匙 Agar powder 1 tsp  *细砂糖喜甜的,请自行再加20-30克。Please add extra 20-30g of caster sugar if prefer sweet jelly.  {其它材料Other Ingredients}  大黑子适量 Some basil seeds  水果适量 Some fruits of your choice  {做法Directions

紫薯杂粮粥 Mixed Grains Porridge with Purple Sweet Potatoes

    One pot mixed grains porridge with purple sweet potatoes saved me from my busy day. 紫薯配杂粮熬粥,省事省心省力最最最重要的是省时一锅熟料理👍😍还好天使们不抗拒挺爱喝粥暖胃,爱自己的节奏不忘了兼顾家里的三餐💪🏻  紫薯杂粮粥  {材料}   紫薯块适量  三色糙米+小米1杯  黑豆+绿豆½杯  {调味料}  清水7杯  芝麻油1茶匙  * 盐适量  {做法}  1. 紫薯洗净表皮,去皮切成小块状,用清水清洗,洗几次后沥干水分,上蒸锅蒸25分钟左右。  2. 先把,黑、绿、三色糙米和小米洗净,接着加入清水和芝麻油搅拌均匀。  3. 拌均即后就可以按下高压锅煮粥键开煮。  4. 粥煮好后,加入蒸好的紫薯块趁温热享用(可以调入适量的盐)。  Mixed Grains Porridge with Purple Sweet Potatoes  {Ingredients}  Some purple sweet potatoes pieces  Tricolor brown rice + millet 1 cup Black+mung bean ½ cup  {Seasonings}   Water 7 cups  Sesame oil 1 tsp  *Some salt to taste  {Directions}   1. Clean purple sweet potatoes, peel off skin and cut into small pieces, rinse well with water for few times, steam for 25 mins.  2. Rinse black+mung bean, tricolor brown rice and millet well, add in water and sesame oil to mix well.  3. After mix well, press the pressure cook button to start cook.  4. After porridge done cooked, add in steamed purple sweet potatoes (season in some sa