
Showing posts from October, 2021

预拌粉的戚风蛋糕 Quick Chiffon Cake with Cake Mix

    轻易上手,轻松入口的预拌粉戚风蛋糕,取代传统戚风分蛋打发法,只需全蛋液,水和植物油。秘诀就是打发至原来体积的三倍大才加入玉米油。某次网购面包粉和烘培工具时卖家送了这预拌粉,用了后觉得👍。不想被气疯但又想吃自家制的戚风蛋糕,就这么做吧,省时省力省心👉🏻零失败,而且完成品的组织结构,口味与传统戚风蛋糕都非常接近哦。Chiffon cake premix just needs simple ingredients: eggs, water & oil. Enjoys no fail baking fun. “A party without a cake is just a meeting.” — Julia Child 👻Happy Halloween🎃in advance ☺️ 戚风预拌粉快手蛋糕  {材料} 戚风预拌粉500克,鸡蛋8粒(A级/总数500克),清水/牛奶75毫升,玉米油75毫升。  {做法}  1. 把预拌粉、鸡蛋和水用低速1档搅打1分钟,高速3档搅打10分钟左右。  2. 加入玉米油,转换成低速1档搅拌1分钟,把面糊倒入戚风蛋糕的模具中。  3. 预热烤箱130°C, 先烤30分钟左右; 再调到160°C 烤20 分钟即可(烤箱温度得自行拿捏)。  Quick Chiffon Cake with Cake Mix  {Ingredients} Chiffon cake mix 500g, eggs 8pcs (grade A/500g in total), Water/milk 75ml, corn oil 75ml.  {Directions}  1. Whisk chiffon cake mix , eggs and water at speed 1 for 1 min, then at speed 3 for about 10 mins.  2. Add in corn oil and whisk at speed 1 for another 1 min, then pour batter into ungreased chiffon cake pan.  3. Pre-heated oven 130°C, bake for 30mins, 160°C 20 mins(Oven temperature adjust

五谷杂粮山药双贝粥 Multi Grains Porridge with Chinese Yam Scallops

 红豆+绿豆+黑豆+印度长香米+小米👉🏻五谷杂粮粥,再搭配山药+香菇+干贝(瑶柱干)+胡萝卜块,煮成一锅简单营养成分均匀的粥。配上干煎鲜贝就成了五谷杂粮山药香菇胡萝卜双贝粥  五谷杂粮山药双贝粥  {材料} 山药块适量,胡萝卜块适量,香菇3朵(泡软切丝),干贝1汤匙(洗净沥干),印度香米½杯,小米½杯,黑豆+绿豆+红豆½杯, 姜一小块。  {调味料} 清水10-11杯,橄榄油1茶匙,盐1茶匙和胡椒粉适量。  *** 配料 :水煮鸡蛋和鲜贝适量(用适量的黑胡椒粉和玉米淀粉腌一下,放入冰箱冷藏15分钟后起油锅,干煎至水分收干即可)。  {做法}  1. 先把,黑、绿和红豆+印度和小米洗净,加入山药、香菇、干贝、姜和胡萝卜块,接着调入橄榄油、盐和清水搅拌均匀。  2. 拌均后就可以按下高压锅煮粥键开煮。  3. 粥煮好后,再撒上少许胡椒粉趁温热享用(配料可以随意或不加哈)。  Multi Grains Porridge with Chinese Yam Scallops  {Ingredients} Some chinese yam pieces, some carrot pieces, shiitake mushroom 3 pieces (soaked till tender and shredded), dried scallops 1 tbsp(washed and drained), basmathi rice + millet 1 cup, black+mung+red bean ½ cup, small ginger pieces.  {Seasonings} Water 10-11 cups, olive oil 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp and some pepper to taste.  ***Side dishes: hard boiled eggs and pan seared scallops  {Directions}  1. Rinse black+mung+red bean, basmathi rice and millet well, add in chinese yam, mushroom, carrot, ginger and scallops, season in olive oil, salt and wate

懂得对不值得的事心狠 Don’t Live Like A Frog in the Well

    爱自己の紫言紫语💜Positive Soul Collagen Notes  懂得对不值得的事心狠💫Don’t Live Like A Frog 🐸 in the Well  对于不该留的人、不该执着的事,果断地放手、断绝,人生才会变好。 很多时候我们纠结不快,都是因为放不开。 不是放不下,是不想放下,你总抱着希望,总是舍不得,但他却舍得让妳继续受苦、受罪、难受、难过、一直循环着失望。 还怪你自己期望太高,而你要做的,就是不再期待,转身离开。 活得清醒的男女人,都懂得对不值得的事心狠,才能保全自己美好的人生。 Don’t live like a frog in the well, that is a limited world, we want every possible perspective. Gain a sense of the infinite for incredible joy when we’re a human, we could live life fully, we could live life joyously.  ************************************************************************************* ME=WE – A Poem by Mohammed Ali, gave me lot of positive thoughts. Leading me to the “purple rules” way. If【Me】sacrifice own self too much, nothing else can give to【We】. So, nourish “Me” as 1st priority, finding best self care ways to create inner peace balance. Only through the best version of “Me” can give more to “We”.  我=我们。只有把自己管理好后才能给予更多,才能创出更和谐,更有“紫”慧的幸福人生。愿每个男女人们都能静下心来安稳地经营自己的生活,不慌不忙、不急不躁地把自己的生活过得有声有色。没有期限的胶原蛋白多好呀,永

传统风俗味的生日餐:红鸡蛋面线汤 Red Eggs Longevity Noodles (Mee Suah) Soup

传统习俗过生日要吃什么呢?👉🏻 特别是农历生日会特想吃的红鸡蛋面线汤, 妈妈的传统生日习俗已深入我心。吃红鸡蛋:剥蛋壳代表剥开过去、脱胎换骨,意味着重生的开始。吃面线:寓意着长命百岁、寿比南山。Mee Suah/Flour vermicelli soup to celebrate birthday at home is my family culture. It simply because mee suah is treat as longevity noodles , prepared for birthday boys or girls to wish them a long and healthy life. Red eggs, symbolize good wishes for a new start in Chinese culture.  红鸡蛋面线汤  {材料} 鸡蛋2-4粒(蒸熟,裹白醋+食用红色素+热水),香菇3朵(泡软切丝),鸡/猪肉片(用蚝油和玉米淀粉腌一下),鱼丸适量(切片),胡萝卜丝适量,菠菜适量,蒜姜葱碎适量。  {调味料} 酱油1汤匙,高汤/清水300毫升,盐和胡椒粉适量.  {做法}  1. 菠菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫30秒左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。  2. 起油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎后,加入香菇丝、肉片和萝卜丝炒一下,调入酱油、高汤/清水、鱼丸和盐拌均匀煮沸,调入胡椒粉和放入菠菜再次煮沸即可熄火。  3. 然后,面线煮好放入碗中,接着淋入煮好的汤,趁温热享用。  Red Eggs Longevity Noodles (Mee Suah) Soup  {Ingredients} Eggs 2-4pcs (steam cook, coating with food coloring + white vinegar + hot water),shiitake mushroom 3 pcs (soak till tender, shredded), meat slices (marinate with oyster sauce+ corn starch), fish balls (sliced), shredded carrots, some baby spinach, chopped garlic+shallot +ginger.

核桃红糖蜂蜜萝卜杯子蛋糕 Honey Brown Sugar Walnut Carrot Cupcakes

  爸爸的生日蛋糕👉🏻核桃+蜂蜜+胡萝。提前做了C&J一直碎碎念念要一起做杯子蛋糕。今年做出来的不是松软的杯子蛋糕,蛋糕太干了,搅拌过度消泡啦,不过诚意十足的祝福。 连续两年都“乱”要亲自参与做小蛋糕了,不懂这要求会是每年必备还是...Birthday cupcake’s idea 💡 for their lovely daddy, even outcome is not a moist and fluffy texture but they show their sincerity 😊.  核桃红糖蜂蜜萝卜杯子蛋糕  {材料} 核桃碎100克,红萝卜½条(刨丝切碎),蜂蜜20毫升,低筋面粉90克,盐1/4茶匙,柠檬汁2汤匙,柠檬皮碎少许,泡打粉1茶匙,鸡蛋3粒,红糖80克。  {做法}  1. 把蛋黄和蛋白分开。  2. 蛋黄和红糖搅拌均匀,加入盐,分两次加入柠檬皮、蜂蜜,萝卜和核桃碎拌均匀,调入柠檬汁和另外一半的柠檬皮、蜂蜜、萝卜和核桃碎混合均匀。(别搅拌过度哦!)  3. 泡打粉加入低筋面粉中过筛,分2-3次加入做法2搅拌均匀。  4. 蛋白加塔塔粉/柠檬汁打发至硬性发泡,将一半的蛋白霜拌入蛋黄糊里,上下翻拌均匀后,倒回在另一半的蛋白霜内继续翻拌混合均匀。  5. 把面糊倒入杯子蛋糕的纸杯中,准备烤。预热烤箱170°C, 烤20分钟左右。(烤箱温度得自行拿捏。   Honey Brown Sugar Walnut Carrot Cupcakes  {Ingredients} Chopped walnuts 100g, Carrot ½ pcs(chopped), honey 20ml, cake flour 90g, salt 1/4 tsp, lemon juice 2 tbsp, some chopped lemon peel, baking powder 1 tsp, eggs 3 pcs, brown sugar 80g.  {Directions}   1. Separate egg white and egg yolk.  2. Beat the egg yolks and brown sugar till well combined, add in salt and 1st portion of lemon peel, hon