Sunday, December 19, 2021

Q弹有嚼劲的紫水晶汤圆 Purple Crystal Glutinous Ball with Purple Sweet Potatoes, Red Bean and Black Sesame Filling (Tang Yuan)

Q弹有嚼劲的紫水晶汤圆,做了三种馅料:黑芝麻、紫薯和红豆的。看似简单但对初学者来说还是要注意木薯粉和水的份量,不过只要有恒心多试试做几次就能慢慢做到要诀,不过手脚慢的我,包到最后一样面对粉团慢慢地干了,不易包到美美哒💪🏼😅Crystal tang yuan is made with tapioca flour with colorful filling inside. When cooked, the dough turn almost transparent. Crystal glutinous ball is a challenge for new learner as hands on found out there is still need to balance up the portion of flour and water, keep trying will get a better idea what is the correct portion as different brand of flour, different absorption of water. 


{皮材料} 木薯粉70克 白砂糖10克 蝶豆花水80-90毫升+柠檬汁几滴 玉米油10克 

{馅料} 黑芝麻、紫薯和红豆馅 

{糖水} 去皮生姜+红糖1汤匙+清水300毫升煮沸后加入少许泡过热水1分钟的桂花/枸杞子。 


1. 蝶豆花水一半+木薯粉拌均匀待用。另一半的蝶豆花水+白砂糖和玉米油煮沸熄火,加入拌均匀的木薯粉蝶豆花水不断地搅拌至拌成软团(过程大约10-15分钟,粉团只需要八分熟,有点流质状态的,很黏手的,要有耐心搓揉)。 
2. 如果说粉团不够八成熟,分一半再回锅中小火加热一下,然后再继续搓揉成细腻柔软粉团,休面5分钟。 
3. 分割成小段状,搓成小丸子。预备撒上一些木薯粉的盘,把冷冻的馅料拿出,皮的重量比馅料少(馅料8克,皮就8克以下)。 
4. 把小丸子按下摊开,包入馅料捏紧搓圆,撒上薄木薯粉防粘(多做不马上煮的,放入密封容器中,一样撒上一层薄木薯粉冷冻保存)。 
5. 把清水煮沸后,放入汤圆再次煮沸后(过程中记得轻轻地搅拌1-2次避免粘锅底),转中小火煮至浮起,加半杯冷水再次煮沸后熄火焖10分钟左右。 

1. 皮尽量薄,越薄比较容易看到透明效果。 
2. 煮汤圆转中小火, 太大火会导致皮破露馅。 
3. 一定要焖,焖后会比较容易带出透明效果 。 

Purple Crystal Glutinous Ball with Purple Sweet Potatoes, Red Bean and Black Sesame Filling (Tang Yuan) 

{Ingredients} Tapioca flour70g Castor sugar 10g Blue pea flower water 80-90ml+ few drop of lemon juice Corn oil 10g 

{Filling} Black sesame, purple sweet potato and red bean paste 

{Sweet Soup Base} Peeled ginger pieces + brown sugar 1 tbsp + water 300ml, bring to boil only add in osmanthus flower/goji berries that soaked in hot water for 1 min. 


1. Mix half blue pea flower water with tapioca powder well and set aside. Another half of blue pea flower water + castor sugar+ corn oil bring to boil and off heat, add in tapioca blue pea flower mixture, keep stirring until forming a soft dough (process need to take 10-15mins, the dough can’t be 100% cooked-80% cooked dough more easy to knead, sticky liquid condition, must be patience to continue keep stirring). 
2. If dough not enough 80% cooked, divide into half, put half back into the pot reheat under low heat for a while, then continue to knead until get a soft and smooth dough, rest for 5 mins . 
3. Divide to small portions, shape into small ball shape. Prepare a plate that dust with some tapioca flour on top, take out frozen fillings, weight of dough ideally heavy than filling (Example; filling 8g, dough less than 8g as the thinner the dough, the more translucent the dough will be). 
4. Flatten the dough, put 1 filling on the center, gather the edge to seal tight, roll into a smooth round ball, topping with some tapioca flour avoid stick together (uncooked portions seal in air tight container and frozen it). 
5. Bring water to boil, add in tang yuan and bring to boil again (stir once or twice to avoid stick to bottom of the pot), turn to low medium heat to simmer cook until tang yuan is floating to the surface, add in another half cup of water and bring to boil, off heat and let the tang yuan rest inside for at least 10 min. 

Tips for Success: 
1. The dough needs to be rolled as reasonably thin as possible, so they can turn almost transparent after boiled cook. 
2. Boil the tang yuan over medium low heat (Too hot can break the dough and the filling will leak out). 
3. Must let the tang yuan rests after boiling to help gradually turn transparent during this resting time.

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