Saturday, December 10, 2022

香菇海参焖猪手Braised Pork Knuckle with Sea Cucumber

Year end is festive season especially December is a celebration month for our anniversary and holiday mood, easy pressure cooker recipe👉🏻Braised pork fore leg with sea cucumber and mushroom. Let’s practice some festive dishes in advance. 气压锅简易年菜👉🏻泡好的猪婆参+猪手(前猪脚)+香菇+水煮蛋就是一道上得了桌面的节日佳肴…海参特别是这类级别的只在值得庆祝的日子或佳节间偶尔出现😄 

香菇海参焖猪手Braised Pork Fore Leg with Sea Cucumber and Mushroom 

猪手一盒 1 box pork fore leg 
泡好海参1只 Sea cucumber 1 pcs 
香菇丝6朵 Shredded Shiitake mushrooms 6pcs 
蒜头两颗 Whole garlic 2pc 
姜块1块 Ginger piece 1 pcs 
水煮蛋适量 Some hard boiled eggs 

酱油2汤匙 Soy sauce 2 tbsp 
黑酱油1茶匙 Black soy sauce 1 tsp 
蚝油1汤匙 Oyster sauce 1 tbsp 
盐适量 Salt to taste 
芝麻油1茶匙 Sesame oil 1 tsp 
清水50毫升 Water 50ml 
***拌均匀 Mix well. 
清水200毫升Water 200ml 


1. 先把水煮鸡蛋煮熟剥壳备用。Cook hard boiled eggs in advance, peel away the shell and set aside. 

2. 猪手和猪婆参过清水冲洗干净, 切大块状。Clean pork fore leg pieces and sea cucumber through running water, cut sea cucumber into pieces. 

3. 蒜头洗净割几刀帮助出味,姜块去皮割几刀。Clean garlics and ginger piece, cut few lines in the body. 

4. 气压锅中依序放入猪手、蒜头、姜块、调味料、清水、香菇、水煮蛋和海参,放入气压过锅按下煮肉类键即可。Put in ingredients: pork fore leg, whole garlic, ginger piece, seasonings, water, mushrooms, hard boiled eggs and sea cucumber into pressure cooker, press down cook “meats” button. 

5. 煮熟后,如果说没有马上品尝,请先把海参捞出来,海参的口感就是要Q弹才美味哦。Dish up cooked sea cucumber if not taste immediately after done cooked, to avoid it turning too soft after staying in the pressure cooker for a longer time. 

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