Friday, October 28, 2022

紫薯一锅熟饭 Purple Sweet Potato One Pot Rice

 Purple sweet potato+yellow sweet potato+potato one pot rice really super quick but still delicious and nutritious, can add some extra veggies or anything else or just purely potatoes will do. 紫薯+黄番薯+马铃薯用电饭锅焖熟,材料简单的快手餐但不失美味营养哦。纯紫薯的口感会比较自然,加了黄薯和马铃薯就丰富更丰富一些。三薯一锅熟饭的配料可以很随意,或者绝对可以什么都不加。 

紫薯一锅熟饭Purple Sweet Potatoes One Pot Rice 

紫薯1个 Purple sweet potato 1 pcs 
黄薯1个 Yellow sweet potato 1 pcs 
马铃薯2个 Potatoes 2 pcs 
白米2杯 White rice 2 cups 
胡萝卜块适量Some carrots pieces 
甜椒块适量Some bell peppers pieces 
蒜碎适量Some chopped garlic 
姜碎适量 Some chopped ginger 
小红葱碎适量Some chopped shallots 
蝶豆花水+清水550毫升 Blue pea water+water 550ml 
无盐黄油30克 Unsalted butter 30g 
西兰花适量 Some boiled broccoli 
水煮鸡蛋适量 Some hard boiled eggs 

豆瓣酱1茶匙 Bean paste 1 tsp 
酱油1汤匙 Soy sauce 1 tbsp 
甜酱油3汤匙 Sweet soy sauce 3 tbsp 
鸡精1/2汤匙 Chicken stock 1/2 tbsp 
胡椒粉适量 Some pepper 
***拌均匀 (除了豆瓣酱 )Mix well(Except bean paste) 

1. 马铃薯、紫薯和黄薯洗净去皮切小块状,再用清水去掉淀粉质,沥干备用。Wash and peel off the skin of potatoes, purple + yellow sweet potatoes, cut into small pieces, then rinsed with running water , until the water begins to run clear, drain and set aside. 
2. 白米洗三遍后,加入蝶豆花水+清水550毫升。Stir and rinse white rice 3 times, then drain; add in blue pea water+water 550ml. 
3. 起无盐黄油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎,接着加入豆瓣酱炒香后,加入马铃薯、黄薯,紫薯和胡萝卜块翻炒片刻,加入调味料、白米和蝶豆花水+清水550毫升,翻炒均匀加入甜椒块再次拌均。Heat up unsalted butter to sauté chopped garlic, ginger, and shallots till fragrant, add in bean paste to stir fry a while, add in potatoes, yellow+purple sweet potatoes and carrots to continue frying, follow by add in seasonings, white rice and 550ml of blue pea water + water, lastly add in bell pepper to mix well. 
4. 全部倒入电饭锅内,按下煮饭键煮熟即可。Transfer everything into a rice cooker, cook as you would regular rice. 
5. 西兰花先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。鸡蛋用蒸锅蒸13分钟后过冷水剥掉外壳切片备用。Blanch over broccoli with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. Hard boiled eggs sliced or cut into half as side dish. 

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