Friday, May 27, 2022

2种材料纯天然万用紫薯泥(免炒版本) Natural Purple Sweet Potato Paste


Easier and healthier natural purple sweet potato sauce or puree, kids friendly + multipurpose usage. Without pan fry with just 2 ingredient, not only for bread, steamed bun, cake, also for any recipes that suits your taste such ad cookies, pizza, sago dessert, steam eggs, dipping sauce, pan cake, pie, etc. 天然色素…更快手超简单的纯天然紫薯馅,只需简单材料+免炒版本。这馅料万用哦,除了面包、馒头、蛋糕、也可以做饼干,披萨、西米露、蒸蛋,蘸料、薄饼、派等等。 



1. 紫薯洗净表皮,去皮切成小块状,用清水清洗洗几次。 
2. 注入清水大约盖住紫薯块,上蒸锅蒸25分钟左右。 
3. 蒸好加入牛奶和蒸紫薯的水搅拌成泥状即可。 

Natural Purple Sweet Potato Paste 

Purple sweet potato 5 pieces 
Steamed purple sweet potato water 50ml 
Milk 100ml 
**Can purely use milk or steamed purple sweet potato water, total liquid about 150ml to move the blender considering okay. 

1. Clean purple sweet potatoes, peel off skin and cut into small pieces, rinse well with water for few times. 
2. Add in water to cover the purple sweet potato pieces, steam for 25 mins or until soft. 
3. Pour in milk and steamed purple sweet potato water blend until smooth puree will do. 

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