Friday, March 1, 2013

脆皮烧肉 Crispy Roast Pork Belly

烧肉是我最爱的腊味, 喜欢较瘦的猪腩肉…很想念我家乡某间店的烧腩肉, 那么多年以来一个月至少会吃一次的, 还没开口, 老板都知我要瘦的烧肉. 从未想过自己能够亲手做出”它”耶…味道没有那间老店的招牌滋味那么棒, 但是已经是出乎意料地很脆很好吃一下呢!!


{材料} 带皮五花肉1块, 醋少许, 盐适量, 锡纸1张

{腌料} 绍兴酒1大匙, 胡椒粉适量, 五香粉1大匙, 盐与糖适量.


1. 将五花肉洗净,用刀将肉与皮上的杂质刮干净, 然后再用厨房纸巾将水分吸干.

2. 将五花肉翻转, 在瘦肉那边切几刀以便入味. 然后依序将绍兴酒, 胡椒粉, 五香粉, 糖与盐往瘦肉底部涂抹均匀, 放在冰箱中以皮朝上腌制过夜.

3. 将腌好的五花肉从冰箱取出, 用热水川烫猪皮5分钟; 再用竹签子或松肉器在肉皮上扎一些小洞, 扎得越细越密越好. (插洞时, 如有水分渗出, 用厨房纸巾把水分抹干.)

4. 然后再用锡纸将肉的四周包密, 在皮上涂上一层醋, 再撒上一大撮厚厚的盐层.

5. 预热烤箱200◦C/400◦F, 把猪肉放在烤箱中间的铁架上烤30-45分钟. (皮面向上哦!)

6. 然后取出, 将厚盐层拿掉, 只留些许均匀地涂在皮上, 与此同时打开锡纸, 把猪肉拿起放上架子再烤10-15分钟或至表皮已经呈金黄色与爆开就可以了.

7. 最后等烧肉冷却后切片即可享用.

Crispy Roast Pork Belly

{Ingredients} Pork Belly x 1 , some vinegar, some salt, aluminium foil x 1.

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine x 1 tbsp, some pepper, five spices powder x 1 tbsp, some sugar and some salt.


1. Clean and drain well the pork belly, use knife to clean the skin and meat surface, dry up the pork belly by using kitchen paper towels.

2. Turn the pork belly, use seasonings to rub the meat area evenly, keep in the refrigerator with the skin side up for marinating overnight.

3. Remove the marinades pork belly from fridge, place pork belly in boiling water with skin side down under medium heat for approx 5 mins till it change color. (Is for easy pricking later.) Use wood stick/ skewer/meat tenderizer to prick the skin, prick it as much as you can. (Use paper towels to dry the pork belly if still got excess water when you pricking.)

4. Then, use aluminium foil to cover up meat portion only, rub a layer of vinegar on top of skin surface only, then follow by a thick layer of salt.

5. Pre-heated oven 200◦C/400◦F, put the meats in the middle of the oven bake for 30-45 mins. (With skin side facing up).

6. Remove pork belly from oven, take off the thick salt layer, leaving only a little evenly coated in the skin at the same time open the foil to pick up the pork belly and placed on a wire rack and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the skin has been golden brown.

7. Finally, scrap off charred areas from the skin, if any, with a knife. Sliced roast pork and further cut to bite-sized pieces and enjoy.

做法1-2; method 1-2
做法3-4; method 3-4
做法5-6; method 5-6
做法7; method 7
皮超脆的烧肉, 隔了年多再烤过的烧肉!

Previous: 芝麻排骨王 Crispy Roast Pork Belly

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