Sunday, July 19, 2015

玉米番茄豆腐紫菜汤 Corn Tomato Tofu Seaweed Soup


{材料} 玉米一条(洗净,切成大块状),番茄(洗净,切块状),豆腐(切块状),油豆腐(切半),紫菜(洗净,泡水),鸡肉碎(用一点盐,胡椒粉和米酒腌10分钟),蒜碎。

{调味料} 鱼露一茶匙,盐和鸡粉适量。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜碎备用。

2. 用回爆香蒜油的锅把蕃茄块炒出红油备用。

3. 拿一大锅,注入适量的清水煮沸后, 加入玉米块,豆腐和蒜碎以中火煮上30分钟。

4. 然后,加入鸡肉碎,油豆腐和番茄块再煮上15-20分钟才加入紫菜和调味料煮至滚即可。

Corn Tomato Tofu Seaweed Soup

{Ingredients} Corn x 1 (wash and cut into pieces), tomato (wash and cut into pieces), tofu (cut into pieces), puff tofu (cut into half), seaweed (wash and soak in water), ground chicken (marinate with some salt, pepper and rice wine for 10 mins), chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Fish sauce x 1 tsp, some salt and chicken powder.


1. Heat up some oil in pan to sauté the chopped garlic till fragrant, set aside.

2. Use back same pan to continue cook the tomato for a while, set aside.

3. Use a deep pot, pour in right amount of water and bring to boil only add in corn, tofu and chopped garlic to cook under medium heat for 30 mins.

4. Then, add in ground chicken, puff tofu and tomatoes to continue cook for another 15-20 mins follow by add in seaweed and seasonings to cook till boiling, serve hot.

Previous: 鱼香豆干肉片 Stir-fry Medium Firm Tofu with Pork Slices

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