Sunday, September 20, 2015

香肠炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Sausage

香肠炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Sausage

时间少的可怜却依然可以挤出点时间搞定在家的简易晚餐, 只要天使睡得好就好。


{材料} 香肠2条(切丁), 鸡蛋3 粒(加点酱油,麻油和胡椒粉打散, 加点青葱丁.)


1. 起2大匙油锅, 先把香肠丁炒香,倒入鸡蛋液拌炒至熟。 (可以煎成一整片或弄碎)

Scrambled Eggs with Sausage

{Ingredients} Sausage x 2 (diced), eggs x 3 (beaten with some soy sauce, sesame oil and pepper, can add in some diced green onions.)


1. Heat up 2 tbsp of oil to fry diced sausage till fragrant, follow by pour in egg’s mixture and fry till cooked.

Previous:三菇炒面 Mushrooms Fried Noodle

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