
Showing posts from May, 2019

食物粉宝宝版烤茄子 Baked Eggplant with Food Powder

食物粉宝宝版烤茄子  Baked Eggplant with Food Powder 只吃茄子肉的她们,卖相不怎么样,但是她们说很 yummy呢,哈哈! 她们越来越不能接受没有调味的食物,代表着她们又“大了一圈”,加点调味料的foods对她们而言非常好吃啊,呵呵! 食物粉宝宝版烤茄子 {材料} 茄子一条(去蒂,切半,割花以便扫调味料时更入味),蒜碎2汤匙,小红葱碎1茶匙。 {调味料} 酱油 ½ 茶匙, 无盐蔬菜高汤 3汤匙,香菇粉,昆布粉,优质干贝粉和江鱼仔粉适量,调成综合酱汁备用。 {做法} 1. 预热220度烤箱,扫上一层油后放上一半左右的综合酱汁(加入蒜葱碎搅拌),烤5分钟左右。 2. 取出再刷上一层油和倒入另一半的综合酱汁,200度再烤上8分钟左右即可。 3. 用汤匙挖出茄子肉,趁热享用。 ***要软软的茄子肉,建议洗净表皮后整条茄子先烤8-10分钟左右再切开来。然后就将全部综合酱汁倒上扫了一层油的茄子表面,再烤多8分钟左右即可。 Baked Eggplant with Food Powders {Ingredients} Eggplant x 1 (cut into half and slightly cut few lines for better flavored.), chopped garlic x 2 tbsp, chopped shallots x 1 tsp. {Seasonings} Soy sauce x ½ tsp, unsalted vegetables broth x 3 tbsp, a pinch of mushroom food powder, natural kombu food powder, premium scallop powder and anchovy food powder, mix all till well-combined. {Directions} 1. Preheat oven 220°C, place the eggplant on a lined baking sheet and drizzle each side with olive oil and season with half bowl of seasoni

食物粉宝宝酱油炒面条 Fried Noodle with Baby Soy Sauce and Food Powder

食物粉宝宝酱油炒面条 Fried Noodle with Baby Soy Sauce and Food Powder 又是失控的terrible two时期,很难熬,毕竟已是复习题,耐心已被磨尽,说真的蛮后悔自找麻烦,呵呵...愿能再次“风平浪静”地熬过去,坚持过后,应该更勇敢更坚强了吧?! 食物粉宝宝酱油炒面条 {材料} 蔬菜粗细面条,甜椒丁,青葱丁(用热水加一点盐和油浸泡2分钟,沥干备用),蒜碎,小红葱碎。 {调味料} 酱油 ½ 茶匙, 无盐蔬菜高汤 3汤匙,香菇粉,昆布粉和江鱼仔粉适量,调成综合酱汁备用。 {做法} 1. 将面条先用沸水煮至9分熟,沥干备用。 2. 起油锅将蒜葱碎爆香,加入甜椒丁拌炒一下,加入综合酱汁拌炒均匀再撒上青葱丁即可。 Fried Noodle with Baby Soy Sauce and Food Powder {Ingredients} Some vegetable noodles, diced bell pepper, diced green onions (soaked with hot boiled water that add with a pinch of salt and olive oil for 2 mins, drain well and set aside.) chopped garlic, chopped shallots. {Seasonings} Soy sauce x ½ tsp, unsalted vegetables broth x 3 tbsp, a pinch of mushroom food powder, natural kombu food powder and premium anchovy food powder, mix all till well-combined. {Method} 1. Cook the noodles in boiling water till almost cooked, drain well and set aside. 2. Heat up oil to saute chopped garlic and shallots, add in diced bell pepper to stir