Tuesday, March 19, 2013

蒜香沙茶酱烤鸡翅膀 Garlic Barbecue Chicken Wings


{材料} 鸡中翅7只(洗净), 蒜头瓣x 5(剁碎)

{腌料} 五香粉1小匙, 沙茶酱1大匙, 麻油1大匙, 酱油1 ½大匙, 黑酱油1小匙, 盐与糖少许.


1. 鸡翼用蒜碎与腌料腌至少半天.

2. 烤箱预热到220度, 烤盘上铺上铝箔纸(锡纸), 把鸡翼连同腌汁一同倒入.

3. 鸡翼以皮的部分向下排好, 烤15分钟后反面再烤10分钟即可.

Garlic Barbecue Chicken Wings

{Ingredients} Chicken wings x 7 (washed), garlic cloves x 5 (chopped)

{ Marinades Sauce} Five spices powder x 1 tsp, barbecue sauce x 1 tbsp, sesame oil x 1tbsp, soy sauce x 1 ½ tbsp, black soy sauce x 1 tsp, some salt and sugar.


1. Mix chicken wings with chopped garlic and marinades sauce for at least half day.

2. Put a piece of aluminion foil on top of baking tray before add in chicken wings with the marinades sauce, then pre-heated oven with 200◦C.

3. Arrange the wings with the skin side face down, bake for 15 mins and then turn to another side continue bake for another 10 mins till it cooks.

做法1; method 1
做法2-3; method 2-3
Previous: 柠檬鸡 Lemon Chicken

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