Tuesday, March 12, 2013

柠檬鸡 Lemon Chicken

新鲜的柠檬汁, 使这个鸡肉食谱真的很美味与开胃, 吃得好满足.


{材料} 鸡胸肉 2 块( 切成柳状), 鸡蛋黄 1 粒, 柠檬1 粒, 青葱丝适量

{调味料-鸡肉} 酱油1茶匙, 蛋黄1个, 栗粉1大匙

{调味料-酱汁} 柠檬汁1/4大匙, 糖2大匙, 水 ¼ 杯, 栗粉1茶匙, 盐与黑胡椒粉适量.


1. 鸡柳用酱油腌30分钟. 蛋黄加入栗粉拌均, 然后再把鸡柳放入继续腌多30分钟.

2. 热油锅, 将腌好的鸡柳炒三到四分钟或是直到金黄色, 装盘备用.

3. 准备酱汁, 将柠檬汁, 糖, 水, 盐和黑胡椒和玉米淀粉在一个小锅里一起搅拌直到煮沸后, 不停搅拌直到它变浓稠.

4. 然后将热腾腾酱汁淋上备用的鸡柳, 撒上适量青葱丝就可以了.

Lemon Chicken

{Ingredients} Chicken breat fillets x 2 (sliced), egg yolk x 1, lemon x 1, some green onion

{Seasonings- for chicken} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, egg yolk x 1, cornstarch x 1 tbsp

{Seasonings- for sauces} lemon juice x 1/4 tbsp, sugar 2 tbsp, water x 1/4 cup , cornstarch x 1 tsp, a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Put the chicken in a bowl and toss with the soy sauce to marinate for 30 minutes. Whisk together the egg yolk and cornstarch in a small bowl to make a batter, toss the chicken in the batter for another 30 minutes.

2. Heat the oil in a large heavy-based saucepan to fry marinades chicken fillet for three to four minutes on each side until golden and cooked through. Transfer to a plate.

3. To make the sauce, whisk together the lemon juice with the sugar, water, salt and black pepper and cornstarch in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly until thickened.

4. Then, spoon the warm lemon sauce over the chicken fillet. Scatter the green onion slices over the dish before serving.

Previous: 脆皮烧肉 Crispy Roast Pork Belly

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