Saturday, February 18, 2017

蒸梳打饼海绵蛋糕 Steamed Cream Crackers Sponge Cake

蒸梳打饼海绵蛋糕 Steamed Cream Crackers Sponge Cake


{材料A} 鸡蛋3粒,无盐奶油80-100克,红糖30-35克,梳打饼120克(搅拌成碎粉状)

{材料B} 鸡蛋2粒,面粉30克,玉米淀粉20克(面粉和玉米淀粉筛2遍),红糖15-20克


1. 先将材料A的奶油和红糖打至松发。(手打或搅拌机打都行,天使不爱搅拌机的声音,我就得加倍用力手动打咯,累但值!)

2. 鸡蛋一粒一粒加入打均匀,加入梳打饼碎搅拌均匀,分成两份备用。

3. 材料B的红糖一次过加入到鸡蛋液粒,在一个稍微大一点的盆子装入40-50度的温水,放入装了鸡蛋液和红糖的容器,开始打发。

4. 全蛋打发没什么特别要注意的,就是大概需要20分钟左右或插根牙签不倒就算打发到位了。

5. 面粉加玉米淀粉分2-3次筛到打发好的蛋液中,面粉不会马上沉下去证明蛋液打发好了, 用翻拌方式让面粉和蛋液混合均匀,翻拌时不可画圈。

6. 先把一份梳打饼蛋糊倒入模具中,蒸锅水煮开后,大火蒸5分钟。用筷子戳几个洞,慢慢地倒入做法5的海绵蛋糕糊,入蒸锅前震几下把大气泡震出来,蛋糕看上去细腻些。

7. 中大火蒸8-10分钟后,用筷子戳几个洞,再倒入另一份梳打饼蛋糕糊用大火再蒸15分钟左右或至蛋糕完全熟透即可取出待凉。

Steamed Cream Crackers Sponge Cake

{Ingredients A} Eggs x 3, unsalted butter 80-100g, brown sugar x 30-35g, cream crackers x 120g (blend it into fine powder)

{Ingredients B} Eggs x 2, flour x 30g, corn starch x 20g (mixed well and sifted for 2 times), brown sugar 15-20g.


1. Beat ingredients A- melted butter and brown sugar till fluffy. (I need to use hand manually to whisk as my little angel is going through her terrible two phase and do not like the mixer’s sound else crying excessively.)

2. Put eggs 1 by 1 into the mixing bowl and mix well before add in cream cracker’s powder and mix well, divide into 2 portions.

3. Ingredients B-Put in the brown sugar into the egg mixture, start to whisk over the big bowl which is add in 40-50 degree warm water to save little manual whisking time.

4. It needs to take about 20 mins to whisk until the texture is light and fluffy or to keep a toothpick stand for 10 seconds.

5. Divide the flour mixture to 3 portions and sifted onto the egg mixture. Fold the flour lightly in one direction though up and down method. Do not over-mix else the air bubbles will be broken up.

6. Pour 1 portion of cream cracker batter into a light grease baking mould, bring the water in steamer to boil only put in the baking mold to steam for 5 mins. Use chopstick to prick and slowly pour in the method 5 sponge cake batter.

7. Steam for 8-10 mins over the medium high heat, prick again and pour in the last layer of cream crackers batter to steam for another 15 mins or till fully cooked. Remove and leave to cool.

Previous: 酱焖肉碎土豆块 Soy Braised Potatoes Minced Pork

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