Monday, March 12, 2012

酸溜溜排骨 Plum sauce ribs

酸溜溜排骨 Plum sauce ribs

{材料} 排骨适量, 小葱头 x 5 粒(切碎), 蒜头瓣x5(切碎), 姜薄片x 3 (切碎), 辣椒干x 2 条(去头切半,川烫热水后备用)

{调味料} 盐 1 小匙, 酸梅酱2 大匙, 酱油1小匙, 绍兴酒 1 小匙, 胡椒粉少许


1. 排骨洗净后, 放入耐热的平盘用盐, 酱油, 绍兴酒, 胡椒粉与酸梅酱腌5分钟.
2. 然后, 加入辣椒干, 葱头, 蒜碎与姜茸再腌15分钟.
3. 取一深锅, 锅内放8分满的水煮滚后, 放入腌好的排骨关盖蒸一小时半. 别开盖直到一小时半后, 用叉子刺一刺确保肉软了; 没软再蒸多30分钟即可.

Plum sauce ribs

{Ingredients} Pork ribs x 500g or according to your favorite, shallots x 5(chopped), garlic cloves x 5 (chopped), ginger slices x 3 (chopped), dried chili x 2 (cut into half, blanch over hot water and set aside)

{Seasonings} Salt x 1tsp, plum sauce x 2 tbsp, light soya sauce x 1 tsp, Shaoxing wine x 1 tsp, some pepper.


1. Wash and clean pork ribs, put into a steam proof dish. Marinade pork ribs with seasonings for 5 min.
2. Then, add in dried chili, chopped shallots, garlic and ginger to marinate for another 15 min.
3. Use a big pot, put 80% full of water and bring it to boil. Then, put in marinated pork ribs and steam with cover for 1 and half hours. Do not open cover until after 1 and half hours, use a fork to thorn for ensure the ribs is soft else need to continue steam for another 30 min.

Previous: 木耳蛋

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