Monday, April 2, 2012

蒸蛋 Steamed egg custard

很喜欢吃日本餐的"茶碗蒸し"(chawanmushi), 所以得空时很爱自己动手做这简易的菜肴来满足嘴馋的要求...

蒸蛋 Steamed egg custard
鸡蛋是我们日常生活里边最为常用的营养品,被认为是营养丰富的食品, 含有蛋白质、脂肪、卵黄素、卵磷脂、维生素和铁、钙、钾等人体所需要的矿物质.


{材料}鸡蛋 x 3, 青葱 x 1 支(洗净切小段), 猪绞瘦肉适量, 高汤 x 1 杯

{调味料} 盐x 2 小匙, 米酒 x 1 小匙


1. 深盘中, 猪绞瘦肉加入酱油, 胡椒粉与盐少许腌5-10分钟.
2. 鸡蛋打入腌猪绞瘦肉盘中打散后, 加入高汤, 米酒及盐拌匀;撒上葱段.
3. 将盘放入蒸锅中, 以大火蒸15分钟至蛋汁凝固即可.

***蛋液 : 高汤=1 : 2.

Steamed egg

{Ingredients} Egg x 3, spring onion x 1 stalk (rinse and cut into small section), minced lean pork in proper amount, stock x 1 cup.

{Seasonings} Salt x 2 tsp, rice wine x 1 tsp


1. Use a deep dish, put in minced lean pork with some soya sauce, pepper and salt ; marinate for 5-10 min.
2. Beat eggs into that marinated dish, mix well with stock, rice wine and salt; sprinkle with spring onion sections.
3. Place deep dish into steamer, cover and steam under high heat for 15 min until egg custard is set. Remove and serve hot.

***Mushrooms, shrimps and Japanese fish cake are optional.
***Egg mixture: stock= 1: 2

Previous: 清蒸鱼肉

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