Tuesday, May 15, 2012

鲍鱼菇煎饼 Oyster mushroom pancake

做法1; Method 1
做法3; Method 3

鲍鱼菇也称为台湾平菇, 营养丰富, 质地脆嫩, 口感绝佳, 风味独特; 故有"草原上的美味牛肝菌"之美称.鲍鱼菇性微温, 味甘, 具有滋养、补脾胃、除温邪、驱风、散寒、舒筋活络的功效, 可治腰腿疼痛、筋络不舒、手足麻木等症. 现代医学研究证明, 鲍鱼菇子实体中含有抗肿瘤细胞多糖体, 能提高机体的免疫力, 对肿瘤细胞有强的抑制作用. 长期食用鲍鱼菇, 有降低血压和胆固醇含量的功能, 能防止血管硬化, 它对肝炎, 胃炎和十二指肠溃疡, 软胃病等都有辅助治疗作用.


{材料} 杏鲍菇x 1 包(洗净切小块状), 红辣椒x 1 条(切小块状), 青葱 x 1 棵(洗净切小颗粒状), 鸡蛋x 1粒, 面粉适量, 合隆炸粉/木薯粉x1杯.

{调味料} 酱油1 大匙, 盐 1 小匙, 胡椒粉适量


1.取一大碗, 放入合隆炸粉/木薯粉; 打入鸡蛋, 加一点水拌匀. 调入调味料后, 再适量加点水拌匀, 加面粉适量, 重复逐步加水与面粉直到拌至面糊状.

2.糊状形成后, 加入杏鲍菇, 红辣椒与青葱拌匀.

3.烧热油锅, 用大汤匙把面糊一大汤匙接一大汤匙放入热油里翻煎至金黄色即可.

Oyster mushroom pancake

{Ingredients} Oyster mushroom x 1 pack (wash and diced), red chili x 1(diced), spring onion x 1 stalk (wash and diced), egg x 1, flour in proper amount, Hup Loong cook’s frying powder/tapioca flour x 1 cup.

{Seasonings} Soya sauce x 1 tbsp, salt x 1tsp, pepper in proper amount.


1.Use 1 big bowl, add in Hup Loong cook’s frying powder/tapioca flour; beat in egg, mix with water. Seasoning it, then continues add in little water to mix well, add in flour in proper amount, repeating to add in water and flour in small amount and beating well after each addition until it form a mixture.

2.After the formation of mixture, add in mushroom, red chili and green onions and mix well.

3.Heat up proper amount of oil in wok, use tablespoon to drop a tbsp of mixture into hot oil to fry each side until golden brown color and remove from wok. Repeat until all mixture is finish fried.

Previous: 西兰花炒杂

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