Wednesday, September 19, 2012

绿豆粥 Mung Bean Porridge

绿豆有消暑益气、清热解毒等食疗功效, 它不但是食品, 也是一味中药. 绿豆粥较为清淡而且热量低, 是减脂去油的天然食品.


{材料} 绿豆x 100g, 白米 x 200g, 水x 1500cc (想吃稀一点的, 可自行再多加些水)

{调味料} 白糖x 150g (依个人口味)


1. 将白米与绿豆洗净后用清水浸泡2小时.

2. 沥干后, 将绿豆加水放入锅中煮沸. 然后加入白米, 用中火焖煮30-40分钟至米粒开花即可.

3. 随后加入白糖拌匀就可以食用了.

Mung Bean Porridge

{Ingredients} Mung beans (Green beans) x 100g, white rice x 200g, water x 1500cc (Can free to add more water according to personal taste)

{Seasonings} White sugar x 150 (According to personal taste)


1. Wash the rice and mung beans, then soaked with water for 2 hours.

2. Drains dry, add water in pot with mung beans and bring it to boil. Then add in the rice and simmer for 30-40 minutes with medium heat till it cooked.

3. Lastly add in sugar to season it and ready to serve.

Previous: 午餐肉炒蛋

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