Tuesday, October 30, 2012

红枣银耳糖水 White Fungus Red Dates Soup

红枣银耳糖水  White Fungus Red Dates Soup
红枣也称为大枣、干枣、枣子等,有补中益气, 养血安神之功效. 红枣中的高维生素含量, 对人体毛细血管有健全的作用. 它被誉为“天然维生素C丸”, 只因它的维生素C含量居百果之冠, 比苹果、桃子高80~90倍, 比梨高140倍左右. 近年来, 科学家研究发现红枣还含有其他多种人体必需的物质,具有不少新的食疗保健功能.

银耳又称白木耳、雪耳、银耳子等, 富含胶质, 可润泽肌肤兼丰胸, 而且有一定的药用价值.


{材料} 银耳x 30g (用水浸泡过夜, 泡至发而不烂), 红枣x 10 (浸泡十分钟去核, 切小片状),

{调味料} 冰糖适量 (依个人口味)


1. 将红枣片放入汤锅, 加水煮至沸腾.

2. 再放入泡好的银耳, 用慢火煮四十五分钟.

3. 关火前, 放入冰糖即可.

***如果喜爱吃枸杞, 可以依个人口味过水洗净加放去炖煮.

White Fungus Red Dates Soup

{Ingredients} White fungus x 30g (Soak in water overnight until soft), red date x 10 (soaked in water for 10 min and cut into half)

{Seasonings} Rock sugar in proper amount (According to personal taste)


1. Put red dates in a pot, add enough water and bring it to boil.

2. Then, add in white fungus and simmer the mixture under low heat for 45min.

3. Lastly, sweeten the mixture with rock sugar according to personal taste and ready to serve.

*** If you love to eat wolfberry (gou qi), can be added accordingly.

Previous: 三丝炒方便面

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