Thursday, November 1, 2012

金针菇番茄汤 Enoki Mushroom Tomato Soup

金针菇番茄汤 Enoki Mushroom Tomato Soup
金针菇又名金菇、毛柄金钱菌, 含有人体必需的氨基酸成分. 除此之外, 还含有一种叫朴菇素的物质, 有增强机体对癌细胞的抗御能力.


番茄 x 5粒(洗净,切成块状), 金针菇 x 50g(洗净, 撕成丝状), 排骨x150g 或是猪嫩肉(切丝)也行 , 蒜头瓣x 2(剁碎)

{调味料} 米酒, 盐, 鸡粉与胡椒粉适量


1. 将排骨用滚水川烫一会儿, 沥干水分备用.

2. 取一深锅倒入适量的水, 用大火煮滚后,加入排骨. 调入适量的米酒, 以小火煮一小时.

3. 当排骨煮了将近一小时, 另一锅内烧热1大汤匙油后, 爆香蒜碎后放入番茄煸炒至出红汤后, 倒入深锅中.

4. 随即加入金针菇, 再调入鸡粉, 盐与胡椒粉适拌搅均匀, 再用中火煮滚即可.

Enoki mushroom Tomato Soup

{Ingredients} Tomatoes x 5(cut into bite pieces) , Enokitake also known as golden needle mushroom x 50g(shredded), pork spare rib x 150g or tenderloin(cut into thin strips), garlic cloves x 2 (chopped)

{Seasonings} Rice wine, salt, chicken powder and pepper in proper amount.


1. Blanch pork spare rib in boiling water for a while. Drain and set aside.

2. Use a big pot, put in water in proper amount, and bring water to boil, add in pork ribs. Season with rice wine; simmer under low heat for 1 hour.

3. When near to 1 hour, heat up 1 tbsp oil to saute chopped garlic. Then, add in tomatoes and stir-fry until soft, then pours into big pot.

4. Follow by add in enokitake, seasoning with chicken powder, salt and pepper, continue cook till it boiling again. Serve hot.

Previous: 红枣银耳糖水

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