Tuesday, May 21, 2013

烧包 Baked Pau (Siew Pau)

我的双手的灵巧性始终有待改进, 本来可以拥有更美的外形却给搞砸了...还需要很多的勤学苦练呀! 味道还好过得去, 不然的话真的会很灰心...


{水皮材料} 高筋面粉250克(筛过), 盐 1 茶匙, 白油100克, 幼糖 2大匙, 水4大匙, 酸柑汁1 茶匙.

{油皮材料} 面粉90克(筛过), 白油60克, 鸡蛋1粒(打均匀,抹皮用)

{馅料} 鸡肉200-250克(切丁), 香菇2朵(浸软切丁), 洋葱1粒(切丁), 青豆适量, 油2大匙, 蒜碎1 茶匙, 栗粉水1大匙.

{调味料} 叉烧酱2大匙, 麻油1 茶匙


1. 馅料: 烧热油, 爆香蒜碎和洋葱丁, 加入鸡肉与香菇丁炒至肉熟, 加入青豆拌炒均匀, 再调入调味料搅拌均匀后, 用栗粉水勾芡即可. 取出待冷, 最好冷藏2小时才使用.

2. 水皮: 将全部材料搓揉至光滑, 休面30分钟, 分成大小随意的份量.

3. 油皮: 将面粉及白油拌匀, 分成大小随意的份量. 用一份水皮料包入一份油皮. 杆长, 卷起(重复再做一次), 做成圆形, 休面15分钟.

4. 将粉团杆成圆形, 包入馅料做成包子形, 抹上蛋液用200◦C/400◦F之火烘约25-30分钟或至金黄色即可.

*** 做油皮时, 只要一混合均匀便可, 拌太久会很黏.

Baked Pau (Siew Pau)

{Ingredients Skin A} High protein flour x 250g(sifted), salt x 1 tsp, shortening x 100g, sugar x 2 tbsp, water x 4 tbsp, lime juice x 1 tsp.

{Ingredients Skin B} Flour x 90g(sifted), shortening x 60g, egg x 1 ( beaten for glazing)

{Filling} Chicken meat x 200-250g(diced), mushrooms x 2 (soaked and diced), onion x 1 (diced), some green peas, oil x 2 tbsp, chopped garlic x 1 tsp, corn water x 1 tbsp.

{Seasonings} Char siew sauce x 2 tbsp, sesame oil x 1 tsp


1. Filling: Heat up oil, saute garlic and onion till fragrant, add chicken and mushroom to stir fry until cooked, add green peas and then seasonings, add cornflour water to thicken. Dish up and set asides for cooling, best chill for 2 hours before using.

2. Skin A: Mix and knead all ingredients till smooth, rest for 30 mins, divide into preferred sizes.

3. Skin B: Mix flour and shortening well, divide accordingly. Wrap B with A. Roll flat, roll up like swiss roll (repeat another time), form into balls shape, and rest for 15 mins.

4. Roll skin into rounds, wrap up filling and form into pao shape, glaze with egg and bake at 200◦C/400◦F for 25-30 mins or till golden brown, remove and serve hot.

***Do not over mix skin B, otherwise it will be very sticky.
Previous: 蛋炒蟹肉粉丝 Egg fried crab meat vermicelli

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