四宝暖身茶 Warm Up Tea

10分钟补血养颜茶, 女人有时间(没时间也挤一挤,please)不妨就多❤️爱❤️自己一些吧...


{材料} 枸杞25克, 红枣25克, 红糖60克, 生姜3片


1. 将全部材料放入锅中, 加适量的水用小火炖煮至枸杞膨胀.

2. 然后, 再保持沸腾10分钟后关火, 趁热喝.

Warm Up Tea

{Ingredients} Wolfberry x 25g, red dates/jujubes x 25g, brown sugar x 60g, ginger slices x 3


1. Put all the ingredients into the pot, add appropriate amount of water to cook over low heat until wolfberry expansion.

2. And then, let it keep boiling for 10 min and turn off, drink hot.

Previous: 烧包 Baked Pau (Siew Pau)


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