Wednesday, November 13, 2013

耶菜甜椒肉碎炒饭 Broccoli Bell Pepper Pork Fried Rice

炒饭曾几何时是我最头痛的一件事, 但是现在却是煮到累时乱炒一通的简易餐之一。 它可真的是百搭, 随我怎样混合来炒都入得了口, 不过还不是厨师级那般色香味都齐全啦, 只能充其量饿不到我与他就一切好办!


{材料} 猪肉碎50克, 鸡蛋2粒(加入少许盐与胡椒粉打成蛋液), 隔夜白饭,蒜碎, 大葱碎, 青耶花菜少许, 甜椒丁适量。

{调味料} 盐1茶匙, 沙茶酱1汤匙。


1. 青花菜洗净, 切小朵, 用沸水川烫3分钟, 过冷水沥干备用。

2. 猪肉碎用少许盐,糖, 胡椒粉, 米酒与生抽腌5分钟备用。

3. 热油锅, 把蛋液炒碎备用。

4. 锅中倒入两大匙油烧热, 放入蒜葱碎爆香后, 加入猪肉碎炒至肉色变白。

5. 然后, 调入调味料,再加入白饭,甜椒丁与青花菜拌炒均匀, 最后加入蛋碎拌炒一下即可。

Broccoli Bell Pepper Pork Fried Rice 

{Ingredients} Minced pork x 50g, eggs x 2 (Beaten with some salt and pepper), some cooked rice, chopped garlic, chopped onion, broccoli (diced) and bell pepper (diced).

{Seasonings} Salt x 1 tsp, barbeque sauce x 1 tbsp.


1. Bring adequate water to boil, add in little oil and salt. Blanch broccoli for 3 mins, remove and refresh under cold water.

2. Minced pork uses some salt, sugar, pepper, rice wine and soy sauce to marinate for 5 mins.

3. Heat up oil, to fry the egg mixture till cooked and set aside.

4. Then, heat up 2 tbsp oil to sauté chopped garlic and onion till fragrant, add in minced pork to stir-fry until the meat is change color.

5. Seasons with seasonings and add in white rice, bell pepper and broccoli to stir-fry for a while, lastly add in the cooked egg to mix well. Dish up.

Previous: 香菇肉碎什锦鱼翅羹 Imitation Shark Fin Soup

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