Wednesday, February 22, 2012

猪肚鱼鳔汤 Pig Stomach and Fish Maw Soup

Yeah! 耶! Yeah! 终于学会这道难搞的"菜肴". 讨厌猪肚需要那么多步骤来完成. 看看完成品, 虽然味道没妈妈煮的那么棒, 但是我很满意了. 原来下厨没想象中那么难!

猪肚鱼鳔汤 Pig Stomach and Fish Maw Soup

{材料} 猪肚 x 1, 老姜 x 1 块(洗净,不用去皮 打扁), 胡椒粒x 10-12颗(轻微打扁), 鸡脚/排骨(洗净)适量, 鱼鳔(洗净, 浸泡在热水5-10分钟)适量

{调味料} 盐适量


1. 在猪肚里塞进老姜与胡椒粒备用.
2. 把锅装满8分水煮滚后,放入鸡脚/排骨, 猪肚与鱼鳔; 撒入少许盐, 大火煮滚后转小火熬煮至猪肚变软.
3. 把猪肚捞起待凉后切片, 再放回锅中小煮一会儿即可. 喜欢重口味的, 可以适量再放少许胡椒粉与盐.


~先用栗米粉, 亚三膏, 盐与轻微打碎的蒜头瓣放上猪肚与猪肚内揉到出味. 然后冲洗清洁.
~切除多余的确猪肚油脂(如果有), 往内翻, 一样去掉肥油脂. 再把它翻回”正面”.
~再来, 热锅到六/七分; 放入猪肚在锅里翻一翻后, 拿起过水.
~如果还有腥味, 再用盐用力揉一揉到没味道!

Pig Stomach and Fish Maw Soup

{Ingredients} Pig stomach x 1, old ginger x 1 (smashed), pepper x 10-12 (minor smashed), chicken feet/ pork ribs(wash) in proper amount, fish maw( wash and clean, then soaked in hot water for 5-10 min) in proper amount.

{Seasonings} Salt in proper amount.


1. Stuff the pig stomach with smashed old ginger and pepper.
2. Fill in a deep pot with water and bring it to boil, then put in chicken feet/pork ribs, pig stomach and fish maw; sprinkle in little salt, boil it under medium heat then cook it under low heat until pig stomach turn tender.
3. Remove pig stomach from soup and slice it, then can put in soup pot slow cook a while and serve. If prefer strong taste, can add pepper and salt in proper amount.

***Steps wash and clean pig stomach:

~ Use corn flour, assam paste, salt and smashed garlic cloves to rub whole pig stomach's outside and inside. Then wash and clean up.
~ Cut off grease inside and outside (if got).
~Then, heat up a wok to blanch pig stomach for a while and refresh through water.
~If still smelly, continue use salt to rub until it’s gone.


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