Friday, June 30, 2017

糖醋三蔬杏鲍菇 Triveggies King Oyster Mushroom in Sweet and Sour Sauce

糖醋三蔬杏鲍菇 Triveggies King Oyster Mushroom in Sweet and Sour Sauce



{材料} 木耳丝,甜椒丁, 萝卜丝, 杏鲍菇丝,蒜碎和姜碎适量。

{调味料} 料酒 ½ 茶匙, 酱油1 ½ 汤匙,糖1茶匙,醋2茶匙,栗粉水1汤匙,水3汤匙,调成混合酱汁。


1. 起油锅爆香蒜和姜碎, 加入甜椒丁和木耳丝拌炒一下。

2. 然后, 加入萝卜丝,杏鲍菇丝和混合酱汁拌炒均匀至水收干即可。

Triveggies King Oyster Mushroom in Sweet and Sour Sauce

{Ingredients} Shredded black fungus, diced bell pepper, shredded carrot, shredded king oyster mushroom, chopped garlic and ginger.

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine ½ tsp, soy sauce 1 ½ tbsp, sugar x 1 tsp, black vinegar x 2 tsp, corn flour solution x 1 tbsp, water x 3 tbsp, mix well in a bowl.


1. Heat up oil to sauté chopped garlic and ginger; add in diced bell pepper and shredded black fungus to stir-fry for a while.

2. Then, add in carrot, king oyster mushroom and seasonings to stir-fry till combined and the gravy is thickening, serve hot.

Previous: 炝拌腐竹芹菜 Tofu Skin and Celery Stir Fry

Friday, June 23, 2017

杏鲍菇双椒三文鱼炒饭 Fried Rice with Bell Pepper, King Oyster Mushroom and Salmon Fish

杏鲍菇双椒三文鱼炒饭 Fried Rice with Bell Pepper, King Oyster Mushroom and Salmon Fish 


隔夜米饭一小碗,煎三文鱼碎,洋葱碎, 双色甜椒丁, 杏鲍菇丁, 蔬菜高汤3汤匙





Overnight white rice x 1 small bowl, some chopped fried salmon fish fillet, chopped onion, diced red and yellow bell pepper, diced king oyster mushroom, veggies stock x 3 tbsp.


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to stir-fry chopped onion till fragrant first, only add in diced king oyster mushroom and bell pepper to continue stir-frying.

2. Then, add in overnight white rice and veggies stock to stir-fry over medium heat till cooked, add in chopped salmon fish to mix them well, serve hot.

Previous:洋葱香菇鸡肉碎天使意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Onion, Mushroon and Minced Chicken

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