Sunday, May 20, 2018

双菇鸡肉西兰花意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Broccoli Mushroom Chicken

双菇鸡肉西兰花意面 Angel Hair Pasta with Broccoli Mushroom Chicken 




{材料} 天使意面, 西兰花(切朵状,泡盐水,用沸水加点油和盐川烫1-2分钟沥干备用), 香菇2朵(泡软,切丝),杏鲍菇丝, 鸡肉片(用麻油,胡椒粉和酱油腌5分钟左右),甜椒丁,萝卜丝,鸡蛋2粒(加点酱油和麻油打散炒熟备用),蒜碎,洋葱碎,培根碎(预先煎好弄碎,油可以拿来爆香蒜碎)

{调味料} 酱油1茶匙,盐1茶匙,混合香料1茶匙, 糖和黑胡椒粉适量。


1. 取一深锅,注入适量的水,少许盐与橄榄油煮开后, 放入面条煮大约7分钟, 捞起过冷水拌入一点橄榄油备用。

2. 起一大匙牛油和橄榄油锅, 放入蒜和洋葱碎炒香, 然后加入香菇和杏鲍菇丝,甜椒丁,萝卜丝和鸡肉片炒至鸡肉变色。

3. 然后,加入面条与调味料翻炒. (怕太干可以加入2-5汤匙煮面水拌炒一会儿,熄火后再加入煮好的培根碎,西兰花和鸡蛋拌均即可开餐。

Angel Hair Pasta with Broccoli Mushroom Chicken

{Ingredients} Angel hair pasta, broccoli (washed, cut into florest sized, soaked in salted water, blanch over boiling water that add with some oil and salt for 1-2 mins, drain well and set aside), mushroom x 2 (soaked till tender, shredded), shredded king oyster mushroom, chicken slices (marinate with some sesame oil, pepper and soy sauce for 5 mins), diced bell pepper, shredded carrot, eggs x 2 (beaten with some soy sauce and seasame oil, fry till cooked and set aside), chopped garlic, chopped onion, chopped bacons (deep fry and chopped, leftover oil can use to sauté chopped garlic) .

{Seasonings} Soy sauce x 1 tsp, salt x 1 tsp, Italian mixed herbs x 1 tsp, some sugar and black pepper.


1. Bring some water with salt and olive oil to a boil; add pasta to boiling water to cook for 7 mins, remove and drain with cold water and toss with some olive oil, set aside.

2. Heat up 1 tbsp of butter and olive oil to sauté chopped garlic and onion till fragrant, add in mushroom , bell pepper, carrot and chicken slices to stirring till chicken change color.

3. Then, add in pasta and seasonings to stir-fry for a while to mix them well. (If too dry, can add in 2-5 tbsp of cooked pasta water.) Lastly top up with cooked bacons, broccoli and egg, serve hot!

Previous: 黑木耳炖小鸡腿 Black Fungus Drumettes

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