Friday, August 30, 2019

炖罗汉果 Stewed Luo Han Guo (Monk's Fruit)

炖罗汉果 Stewed Luo Han Guo (Monk's Fruit)


{材料} 罗汉果(优质的一颗,洗净)


1. 罗汉果洗干净后,用手按几下再冲冲水,放入炖锅中,注入8分满的水盖好。

2. 饭锅注入适量的水,放入炖锅,用“slow cook”功能炖上8-10小时。

Stewed Luo Han Guo (Monk's Fruit)

{Ingredients} Luo han guo x 1 (Premium, washed)


1. Wash the luo han guo, then press it with your palm, put it into cooker with right amout of water.

2. Then, pour in some water around the cooker to make it as a steam bath effect during “slow cook” function for about 8-10 hours . Remember to serve hot.

Previous:高丽菜萝卜香菇干贝排骨汤 Cabbage Shiitake Scallop Ribs Soup With Carrot

Saturday, August 10, 2019

高丽菜萝卜香菇干贝排骨汤 Cabbage Shiitake Scallop Ribs Soup With Carrot

高丽菜萝卜香菇干贝排骨汤 Cabbage Shiitake scallop ribs soup with carrot


{材料} 高丽菜丝,胡萝卜块,排骨适量,香菇两朵(洗净泡软,切丝),干贝适量。

{调味料} 盐少许。


1. 全部材料准备好后,放入高压锅中注入适量的水按键煲大约半小时左右,加入调味料拌匀即可趁热享用。

Cabbage Shiitake Scallop Ribs Soup with Carrot

{Ingredients} Shredded cabbage, carrots (sectioned), some pork ribs, shiitake mushroom x 2 (soaked tender, shredded), some dried scallop.

{Seasonings} Salt to taste.


1. Preparing all ingredients, put all into pressure cooker with right amout of water, press “soup” button to cook for about 30 mins, season with salt and serve hot.

Previous:南瓜肉丝 Pumpkin Pork Stir-fry

Friday, August 2, 2019

南瓜鸡肉丝 Pumpkin Chicken Stir-fry

南瓜鸡肉丝  Pumpkin Chicken Stir-fry


{材料} 南瓜丝, 鸡肉丝(用一点酱油,黑酱油和芝麻油腌5分钟),蒜碎。

{调味料} 蔬菜高汤半小碗。


1. 烧热1大汤匙油锅将蒜碎爆香,加入肉丝和南瓜丝拌炒一会。

2. 然后,倒入蔬菜高汤小火慢煮8-10分钟即可。

Pumpkin Chicken Stir-fry

{Ingredients}Shredded pumpkin, shredded chicken (marinate with some soy sauce, black soy sauce and sesame oil for 5 mins), chopped garlic.

{Seasonings} Vegetable broth x ½ bowl.


1. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil in wok to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in shredded chicken and pumpkin to stir fry for a while.

2. Then, pour in vegetable broth to simmer cook for 8-10 mins and serve hot.

Previous:香菇鸡肉蛋炒饭 Mushroom Chicken Egg Fried Rice

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