Friday, January 15, 2021

传统鸡蛋糕(斑斓口味)Traditional Egg Sponge Cake/Kuih Bahulu (Pandan Flavor)



{材料} 自发粉120克(普通面粉再加 ½ 茶匙泡打粉也行), 粘米粉10克(1汤匙),斑斓叶3-5片(洗净抹干,剪成片状),幼糖90克(喜欢甜又脆,110-120克),斑斓粉1茶匙,盐 ¼ 茶匙,玉米油10克(无盐奶油/椰油也可以),鸡蛋4粒。 


1. 自发粉加粘米粉再加斑斓叶小火炒干,过筛备用(可用烤箱210°C上下火,烤3分钟左右)。 

2. 幼糖+斑斓粉+ 盐翻拌均匀备用 (糖也可以预先干炒,据说可以帮助保存至3-4星期)。 

3. 模具预先抹一层薄薄的玉米油,放入烤箱上下火190°C预热15分钟(用厨房纸巾吸掉多余的油,记得模具一定要够热不然粘模)。 

4. 鸡蛋加入做法2的糖(分2-3次加入)用中高速打至浓稠,出现纹路提起能几秒不消失即可。 

5. 分三次筛入做法1的粉类,轻轻地翻拌至无颗粒状后加入玉米油再拌均匀即可。 

6. 倒入预热好的模具中,放入预热好的烤箱180°C上下火,烤12-15分钟或至呈现金黄色。 



Traditional Egg Sponge Cake/Kuih Bahulu (Pandan Flavour) 

{Ingredients} Self raising flour x 120g (can replace by all purpose flour + ½ tsp baking powder), blended rice flour x 10g (1 tbsp), pandan leaves x 3-5 pieces (wash and clean, dry it before cutting into small pcs), caster sugar 90g (sweeter and crispier, use 100-110g), pandan powder x 1tsp, salt x ¼ tsp, corn oil x 10g (or unsalted butter / coconut oil), eggs x 4. 


1. Dry fry the self raising flour, rice flour and pandan leaves through stir-frying under lower heat, sifted and set aside (optional, can use oven to bake for 3 mins under 210°C). 

2. Mix sugar, pandan powder and salt well and set aside (sugar can dry fry for 2 mins for better shelf life up to 3-4 weeks). 

3. Coated the moulds with a thin layer of corn oil, preheat in oven 190°C for 15 mins (use kitchen towel to absorb excess oil). 

4. Whisk the eggs with sugar (direction’s 2, divide to 2-3 times) under medium speed until form a slightly stiffer consistency, once you lift up will see s trail on the batter. 

5. Sifted in direction’s 1 flour ingredients,using a spatula to fold gently until incorporated, add in corn oil and mix them well again. 

6. Pour the batter into preheated moulds, bake in preheated oven 180°C (do not use the fan mode) for 12-15 mins or until golden brown colour. 

***Crispier, need to increase sugar. 

***Reminder: moulds must need to preheat in advance and each time bake need to coat a thin layer of oil. 

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