Friday, November 26, 2021

自制简易亲子意大利青酱通心粉与面条 Macaroni and Noodles Homemade Pesto with Scallops


第一次做简易亲子意大利青酱,鲜贝青酱意面有待加强,以后多做几次愿更上手💪🏻…简单美味又营养的快手美食。Easy, yummy& nutritious meals can be a life-saver during busy days. A typical pesto recipe uses pine nuts but high in calories and quite costly. Walnuts or cashew nuts are a good replacement. They can produce equally rich in flavor pesto paste but with fewer calories and of course slightly lower cost. 

{材料} 九层塔叶15克,核桃仁50克、橄榄油30克,蒜瓣8克,盐5克。 

1. 把材料切小块状后,全部放入搅拌器搅拌均匀即可。 

Homemade Kid Friendly Pesto Paste 
{Ingredients} Basil leaves 15g, walnuts 50g, olive oil 30g, fresh garlic 8g, salt 5g. 

1. Cut all ingredients into small pieces, put in blender to blend until fine. Set aside. 


{材料} 橄榄油2汤匙, 蒜碎30克,鲜贝片80克,意面200克, 鲍鱼汁高汤80毫升,九层塔叶10克(切小片状),青酱3-4汤匙, 盐适量。 


1. 天使意面用加了油和盐的沸水川烫至合适的软度,沥干备用。 
2. 起橄榄油锅爆香蒜碎,加入鲜贝和适量青酱炒出香味。 
3. 加入意面和一半的鲍鱼汁高汤翻炒片刻,继续加入慢慢地加入高汤翻炒均匀。 
4. 最后,调入盐和九层塔叶炒均即可。 

Spaghetti Pesto with Scallops 

{Ingredients} Olive oil 2 tbsp, chopped fresh garlic 30g, scallops slices 80g, angel hair spaghetti 200g, abalone broth 80ml, fresh basil 10g(rough cut), pesto paste 3-4 tbsp, salt to taste. 


1. Cook spaghetti according to packaging instructions until your preference texture. 
2. Heat up olive oil, saute garlic, add scallops and pesto sauce to continue saute. 
3. Add in cooked spaghetti and half of broth, stirring for well combine, add more broth as required. 
4. Lastly, add in salt to taste and some fresh basil to mix well. Ready to serve.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

姜片柠檬蜂蜜水 Honey Lemon Ginger Water

缓解风寒感冒+润喉等,刚开始感冒的时候煲姜片蜂蜜柠檬水喝上几杯吧。抗菌、清热解毒的功效外,也促进身体排汗,还能有效提升免疫力而让体力快速恢复过来。Natural cold & flu remedy, soothes a sore throat, detox, improve digestion + lots of health benefits too. 


{材料} 去皮姜片5片,柠檬片3片(用盐/苏打粉搓洗净柠檬外皮),蜂蜜三汤匙,清水1000毫升。 


1. 把姜片和清水先煮10分钟后,加入柠檬片再煮10分钟左右即可。 
2. 熄火5分钟后调入蜂蜜搅拌均匀,趁温热喝上一杯(其它装入保温瓶中,隔3-4小时再喝一杯)。 

Honey Lemon Ginger Water 

{Ingredients} Ginger slices 5pcs, lemon slices 3 pcs (lemon peel wash with some baking soda}, honey 3 tablespoons, water 1000ml. 


1. Cook ginger slices with water for 10 mins, follow by add in lemon slices to cook for another 10mins. 
2. Off heat, rest 5 mins only mix in honey and stirring well, serve warm hot (keep unconsumed portion in thermos, drink again next 3-4 hours). 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

炝拌西芹腐竹片 Celery and Bean Curd Skin Stir Fry

清爽可口的芹菜腐皮,做成凉拌菜或是热菜都一样是家常便饭中的好滋味哦。 Celery + beancurd sheet (beancurd skin/tofu skin/yuba sheet) 👉🏻 easy healthier choice for cold or hot served.


{材料} 腐皮适量(泡软切丝),芹菜段,胡萝卜丝,蒜碎1汤匙。 

{调味料} 酱油1 汤匙, 白米醋 ½ 汤匙, 芝麻油 ½ 汤匙, 鲍鱼汁 1 汤匙, 红糖1茶匙, 盐少许, 清水2-3汤匙,全部搅拌均匀。 


1. 芹菜先用加了盐和橄榄油的沸水川烫1分钟左右,捞起沥干过冷水备用。 
2. 再起一锅水加煮沸,加入腐皮丝川烫1分钟左右后捞出,过冷水沥干备用。 
3. 起一汤匙油锅爆香蒜碎,再加入胡萝卜丝炒一下后,倒入调味料炝一下锅,马上加入腐皮和芹菜翻拌均匀即可享用。 

Celery and Beancurd Sheet Stir Fry 

{Ingredients} Beancurd sheet (soaked in water till soft and shredded ), celery (sectioned), shredded carrots, chopped garlic 1 tbsp. 

{Seasonings} Soy sauce 1 tbsp., white vinegar ½ tbsp, sesame oil ½ tbsp, abalone sauce 1 tbsp, brown sugar 1 tsp, some salt to taste, water 2-3 tbsp, mix all well in a bowl. 


1. Blanch over the celery with boiling water that add with some salt and olive oil for 1 min, drain well, soak in cold water a while, drain well again, and set aside. 
2. Another round to bring 1 pot of water to boil, add in beancurd sheet to cook for a while, rinse over cold water, drain and set aside. 
3. Heat up a tbsp of olive oil to sauté chopped garlic till fragrant, add in carrots stir-fry a while, pour in the seasoning’s mixture, add in cooked beancurd sheet and celery to fold till well combined, served. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

严于律人,宽以待己 Be good to yourself too

爱自己の紫言紫语💜Positive Soul Collagen Notes 

严于律人,宽以待己 Be good to yourself too 

“宽以待人 ,严于律己,”暗地里压得我们自己喘不过气来。

You're able to love others, to give to others, and do for others by giving and doing for yourself first. Loving others starts with loving yourself — Wayne W. Dyer 

ME=WE – A Poem by Mohammed Ali, gave me lot of positive thoughts. Leading me to the “purple rules” way. If【Me】sacrifice own self too much, nothing else can give to【We】. So, nourish “Me” as 1st priority, finding best self care ways to create inner peace balance. Only through the best version of “Me” can give more to “We”. 


更多【紫言紫语】的🆓🍎电子书👇🏻 More about [Purple] rules 🆓 e-Book👇🏻 
🌈爱自己の紫言紫语💟正向心灵胶原蛋白修心语录 Positive Affirmations Special Designed for Self Care💜Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness 
 🌈紫。慧录 The Jewel of “Violet” 

***PURPLE rules: Blue (Men) + Red (Women) = Purple (We=Equality) 
***紫的定律: 蓝(男人)+红(女人)= 紫(我们=同等) 

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 给自己一点时间,  给爱人一点时间,  给孩子一点时间,  不与他人比较,  走好自己的路,  情绪才不会被他人所左右。  人生就是一半一半,  甜中有苦,苦中有甜。  能够治愈你的,从来都不是时间,  而是内心的那份释怀和明白。  昨天再好,已不能倒退;  明天再难,也得继续...