Friday, February 25, 2022

无价本身就是一种价码Everything has its own value

爱自己の紫言紫语💜Positive Soul Collagen Notes 

无价本身就是一种价码Everything has its own value 

Pricelessness is does not mean totally FREE. 
Everything has its own value. 
Please pricing for priceless love since excuses are useless. 
Simply put, treat others the way you want to be treated. 

More about [Purple] rules 🆓 e-Book👇🏻 
🌈爱自己の紫言紫语💟正向心灵胶原蛋白修心语录 Positive Affirmations Special Designed for Self Care💜Collagen Notes For Lifelong Soul Wellness 
🌈紫。慧录 The Jewel of “Violet” 

别把自己给弄丢了,不会爱自己怎能懂得真正爱他人呢?!自爱和爱人之间,在我和我们之间,记得千万要找到那个重要的平衡点。There’s always a balance between Me & We. Don’t try to change people, change ourself. It’s all about “Me” to get to better “We”. "You are the piece of the puzzle of someone else's life. You may never know where you fit, but others will fill the hole in their lives with pieces of you." —by Bonnie Abon. 

***PURPLE rules: Blue (Men) + Red (Women) = Purple (We=Equality) 
***紫的定律: 蓝(男人)+红(女人)= 紫(我们=同等) 

#正向能量 #positivethoughts#正向心灵胶原蛋白语录 #紫言紫语 #正向思维 #紫の正向语录 #紫慧录 #婆妈经 #婆妈胶原蛋白经 #MWCollagenNotes #正向心理学 #心灵健康 #紫的定律 #QQ紫 #PurplevioletNotes #VioletQuotes #positiveaffirmations #positivepsychology #soulwellness #happylife #healthylifestyle #purplerules 

Friday, February 18, 2022

【五谷杂粮粥】南瓜白萝卜干贝杂粮粥 Mixed Grains Porridge with Pumpkin Radish Scallops



{材料} 南瓜块适量,白萝卜块适量,干贝1汤匙(洗净沥干),印度香米½杯,小米½杯,黑豆+绿豆+红豆½杯, 姜一小块。 


1. 先把,黑、绿和红豆+印度和小米洗净,加入南瓜、白萝卜、姜块和干贝,接着调入橄榄油、盐和清水搅拌均匀。 
2. 拌均即后就可以按下高压锅煮粥键开煮。 
3. 粥煮好后,再撒上少许胡椒粉趁温热享用。 

Mixed Grains Porridge with Pumpkin Radish Scallops 

{Ingredients} Some pumpkin pieces, some radish pieces, dried scallops 1 tbsp(washed and drained), basmathi rice + millet 1 cup, black+mung+red bean ½ cup, small ginger pieces. 

{Seasonings} Water 10 cups, olive oil 1 tsp, salt 1 tsp and some pepper to taste. 

1. Rinse black+mung+red bean, basmathi rice and millet well, add in pumpkin, radish, ginger and scallops, season in olive oil, salt and water to mix well. 
2. After mix well, press the pressure cook button to start cook. 
3. After porridge done cooked, season in some pepper and ready to serve. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

红烧鲍鱼焖西兰花 Braised Abalone with Broccoli

 罐头红烧双头鲍鱼+鸿禧菇+木耳菜+西兰花🥦最快手的年菜,绝对省事省力省心💪🏼☺️The fastest recipe to prepare during festive day, braised abalone with broccoli really a perfect match 😋 


{材料} 红烧鲍鱼一罐 西兰花适量 黑木耳适量 鸿禧菇适量 胡萝卜丝适量 蒜碎1汤匙 

{调味料} 绍兴酒1汤匙,清水8汤匙+罐头红烧鲍鱼汁200毫升拌均匀。 

1. 西兰花用加了点盐和橄榄油的沸水汆烫一分钟左右。 
2. 起一汤匙油锅,爆香蒜碎,调入绍兴酒后加入泡发好的黑木耳和鸿禧菇中小火拌炒一下,接着加入5汤匙的红烧鲍鱼汁翻炒均匀。 
3. 加入萝卜丝和5汤匙鲍鱼汁继续炒均匀,加入鲍鱼和剩余的鲍鱼汁煮至汤汁沸腾且粘稠后即可。倒入排得满满的西兰花盘上就可享受美味佳肴啦。 

Braised Abalone with Broccoli 

{Ingredients} Braised abalone 1 can Some broccoli Some black fungus Some Shimeji mushrooms Some shredded carrots Some chopped garlic 

{Seasonings} Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp, water 8 tbsp + braised abalone sauce 200ml, mix well. 

1. Cook broccoli in boiling water that add in a pinch of salt and few drops of olive oil for 1 min. 
2. Heat up 1 tbsp of olive oil to sauté chopped garlic until fragrant, pour in Shaoxing wine, follow by black fungus and Shimeji mushrooms to stir frying under medium low heat, add in 5 tbsp of braised abalone sauce to mix well. 
3. Add in carrots and another 5 tbsp of braised abalone sauce to continue to stir fry until well combined, add in abalone and balance of braised abalone sauce and bring to boil, cook until the gravy is thicken pour over to the cooked broccoli. Serve warm hot. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

西芹甜椒带子 Fried Scallops with Celery and Bell Pepper

 亲子版翡翠炒带子 ,家里有什么凑合着吃也是种生活方式。心境决定一切💪🏻💜


{材料} 芹菜丁适量 甜椒丁适量 带子一盒 蒜碎 姜碎 小红葱碎适量 

{调味料} 玉米淀粉1茶匙、红糖½茶匙、清水1汤匙、盐和黑胡椒粉适量。 

1. 带子洗净用调味料腌制,冷藏至少30分钟。 
2. 起一汤匙无盐牛油锅,小火把带子双面煎至褐色。 
3. 再起油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎后,加入西芹丁和甜椒丁拌炒至熟。 
4. 腌带子的调味料再加入1-2汤匙的水拌均后倒入拌炒均匀,淋上煎好的带子就OK了。 

Fried Scallops with Celery and bell Pepper 

{Ingredients} Some diced celery Some diced capsicum Scallops 1 box Some chopped garlic Some chopped ginger Some chopped shallots 

{Seasonings} Cornstarch 1 tsp, brown sugar ½ tsp, water 1 tbsp, some salt and black pepper. 

1. Clean scallops and marinates with seasonings, keep refrigerated for at least 30 mins.
2. Heat up 1 tbsp of unsalted butter, fry the scallops under low heat until both sides turn brown. 
3. Heat up another round of oil to saute chopped garlic, shallots ad ginger till fragrant, add in celery and bell pepper to stir-fry until cooked. 
4. Add in 1-2 tbsp of water into leftover marinates and mix well, pour in to stir fry until well combined, pour over to the fried scallops.. 

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