Friday, September 23, 2022

紫薯牛奶吐司Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Milk Bun


紫薯芋泥馅Natural Purple Sweet Potato + Yam Paste

紫薯牛奶吐司Poolish Purple Sweet Potato Milk Bun 

 全麦面粉50克Whole meal flour 50g 
干酵母1克 Instant yeast 1g 
清水50毫升 Water 50ml 

{主面团材料Main Dough Ingredients} 
奶油粉30克 Whip cream powder mix 30g 
清水30毫升 Water 30ml 
*拌均后的奶油55克 Whip cream 55g 
高筋面粉 250克 Bread flour 250g 
紫薯芋泥馅100克 Purple sweet potato yam paste 100g 
紫薯水95克 Purple sweet potato water 95g 
幼糖20克 Castor sugar 20g 
盐3克 Salt 3 g 
无盐黄油20克 Unsalted butter 20g 
干酵母3克 Instant yeast 3g 


1. 波兰种提前准备好,全部材料拌均后,盖上盖子室温发酵至少3小时后才能用或者室温发酵1小时后移去冰箱冷藏隔夜大约15小时左右再用。Prepare the poolish starter in advance, cover and set aside to let it fermented for at least 3 hours or 1 hour room temperature and then move to refrigerated for 15 hours only use. 

2. 将全部材料放入面包机内(除了干酵母&黄油)混合均匀(大约5分钟左右),加入黄油揉至光滑面团和发酵至两倍大(大约50分钟左右)。Mix all ingredients in a bread machine(except instant yeast & butter) till well combined, add in butter and let it knead until a smooth dough forms and well fermented (about 50 mins). 

3. 将发酵好了的面团在撒了些面粉的桌面,分割成适合的面团,搓成圆球形状休面十分钟,擀平排气整形做成各种形状的面包。Transfer dough onto a floured surface, shaped round and divide dough into equal portions, shaping up to ball shape, let it rest for 10 mins only flatten and shape to any desired shape. 

4. 吐司模具抹上室温融化的无盐黄油,放入整好形的面包面团,盖好做二次发酵(约50分钟)。Glaze non-stick toast mold with with room temperature unsalted butter, put in shaped dough, cover and leave aside to prove till double in bulk (about 50mins). 

5. 预热烤箱170°C, 烤25分钟左右。Pre-heated oven 170°C, bake for 25mins. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

紫薯芋泥牛油小饼干 Purple Sweet Potato Yam Butter Cookies

Purple Sweet Potato Yam Butter Cookies that special designed only for you🤗只属于你【紫薯芋泥】牛油小饼干 

紫薯芋泥牛油饼干Purple Sweet Potato Yam Butter Cookies 


木薯粉300克 Tapioca flour 300g 
玉米淀粉50克 Corn starch 50g 
普通面粉130克 All purpose flour 130g 
糖粉60克 Icing sugar 60g 
紫薯泥150克 Purple sweet paste 150g 
无盐牛油200克Unsalted butter 200g 


1. 无盐牛油室温30分钟软化后,与糖粉低速打发至浅黄色,加入紫薯泥搅拌均匀即可。Blend room temperature unsalted butter + icing sugar until soften or light yellow color, add in purple sweet potato paste and mix well. 

2. 分两次筛入木薯粉+玉米淀粉+普通面粉翻拌均匀。Sifted in tapioca flour + corn starch + all purpose flour in batches and mix well after each addition. 

3. 揉成软面团,盖好休面10分钟。Knead into soft dough, cover and let it rest for 10 mins. 

4. 每小份约6-7克,搓成小球状,按成大小一致的圆形状后用叉子简单塑形,冷藏保存待烤。Divide soft dough into 6-7g each portions shaping into small ball, press down to make a circle shape, use fork for simple shaping up. Keep refrigerated while waiting to bake. 

5. 提前预热好烤箱上下火(不开风扇)170°C,烤15-18分钟左右即可。Pre-heated oven 170°C(without fan), bake for 15-18mins. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

纯天然紫薯芋泥馅 Natural Purple Sweet Potato + Yam Paste

Purple sweet potatoes paste with yam for slightly light purple color. 加了芋泥的紫薯馅更好看,紫色虽然百看不腻但偶尔也要调一下色泽,浅一些的紫色也挺好的💜 

纯天然紫薯芋泥酱 Natural Purple Sweet Potato + Yam Paste 

芋头1个 Yam 1 pcs 
紫薯1个 Purple sweet potato 1 pcs 
蒸紫薯水50毫升 Steamed purple sweet potato water 50ml 
*清水适量 Some water 


1. 紫薯和芋头洗净表皮,去皮切成小块状,用清水清洗,洗几次,上蒸锅蒸25分钟左右。Clean purple sweet potatoes and yam, peel off skin and cut into small pieces, rinse well with water for few times, steam for 25 mins or until soft. 

2. 蒸好加入蒸紫薯水/清水搅拌成泥状即可。Pour in steamed purple sweet potato water / clean water blend until smooth puree will do. 

3种材料👉🏻万用紫薯馅料 Multipurpose Natural Purple Sweet Potato Paste 

Friday, September 2, 2022

DIY Lantern Idea | Recycled Materials ♻️ 亲子创意环保DIY灯笼

 DIY lantern with recycle materials♻️ for Mid Autumn Festival. School project for my little one.学校为了加强儿童对华人传统节日【中秋节】的认识,从而彰显并传承优良中华文化并且促进亲子关系而举办的灯笼制作比赛。孩子想参加以可回收物品或环保材料和自备制作工具来制作的小创意纸灯笼,也是家里第一个自制亲子环保♻️灯笼耶。#DIY 


灯笼身Lantern Body:
立方体的纸盒square box
硬纸板hard card board
灯笼玻璃纸lantern glass papers 
任何可以再用的白纸和彩色纸 recycle white and colored papers
冰淇淋外送保温冷藏袋ice cream aluminum foil insulation bag
包水果的网套fruits foam net
鸡蛋盒egg paper carton box
红包封red packets
厕纸卷筒toiler paper roll core
面包包装封口条(金色)bread bag twist ties (gold)
不同类型的细绳子different types of yarn/strings 

灯笼小灯泡fairy light
纸花paper flower
幼铁丝thin wire 

胶带scotch tape
彩色凝胶笔gel pens,双面胶纸double sided tape,打洞器hole puncher 

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