Sunday, August 28, 2022

木耳腐竹鸡肉 Braised Chicken with Black Fungus Beancurd Sticks


云耳腐竹鸡肉 Braised Chicken with Cloud Ear Fungus Beancurd Sticks 

2块去皮去骨鸡腿肉 Boneless skinless chicken thighs 2 pieces 
腐竹枝适量 Some beancurd sticks 
云耳适量Some cloud ear fungus 
葱白适量Some bottom part of green onions 
青葱丁适量Some diced green onions 
蒜碎½汤匙Chopped garlic ½ tbsp 
姜碎1茶匙Chopped ginger 1 tsp 
小红葱碎适量Some chopped shallots 

 酱油2汤匙Soy sauce 2 tbsp 
黑酱油1茶匙Black soy sauce 1 tsp 
蚝油1汤匙Oyster sauce 1 tbsp 
花雕酒1汤匙Cooking wine 1 tbsp 
胡椒粉适量Some pepper 
清水250毫升Water 250ml 
*玉米淀粉1汤匙+水1汤匙,拌成玉米淀粉水勾芡用的。(喜欢浓稠的就再加1-2汤匙淀粉和水) * Cornstarch 1 tbsp + water 1 tbsp, mix to become corn flour solution (Prefer thicken, add 1-2 more tbsp each) 


1. 鸡腿肉用1茶匙黑酱油,½茶匙酱油和½茶匙玉米淀粉腌制,冷藏至少30分钟。Marinate chicken thighs with 1 tsp of black soy sauce,½ soy sauce and ½ corn starch, keep refrigerated for at least 30 mins. 

2. 云耳腐竹提前泡发好,腐竹切成小块状,葱白切丁, 调味料加一半的清水混合搅拌均匀待用。Soaked cloud ear fungus and beancurd sticks until tender, cut beancurd sticks into small pieces, dicing bottom part of green onion, mix seasonings well with half of the water and set aside. 

3. 起2汤匙油锅爆香蒜姜葱碎后,加入鸡腿肉,云耳,腐竹和调味料与另一半的清水拌炒均匀后关盖小火焖煮10分钟左右。Heat up 2 tbsp of oil to saute chopped garlic, shallots , bottom part of green onions and ginger till fragrant, add in chicken thighs, cloud ear fungus, beancurd sticks and seasonings + another half of water to stir-fry and simmer cook under low heat with cover for 10 mins. 

4. 再加入玉米淀粉水和青葱丁拌均,小火再煮1分钟就OK了。Add in 1-2 tbsp of corn flour solution and diced green onions to mix well, cook under low hear for another 1 min. 

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