Saturday, February 18, 2023

吉蒂猫紫薯泥层芒果酸奶戚风蛋糕 Hello Kitty Purple Sweet Potato Mango Yogurt Chiffon Layer Cake

Hello Kitty purple sweet potato mango yogurt chiffon layer cake that using only purple sweet potato puree as cream layers and simple cake decoration. 紫薯泥和芒果优格做出来的三层戚风蛋糕目前是她们的最爱,哈哈哈😄😉🤭 

紫薯泥层芒果酸奶戚风蛋糕 Purple Sweet Potato Mango Yogurt Chiffon Layer Cake 


鸡蛋4粒(A级)Eggs 4pcs (grade A) 
蛋糕粉55克 Violet cake flour 55g 
玉米油40毫升 Corn oil 40ml 
芒果味优格50毫升Mango yogurt 50ml 
紫薯粉1茶匙(美感,可免)Purple sweet potato powder 1tsp (optional) 
红糖30克 Brown sugar 30g 
柠檬汁几滴 Some lemon juice 
紫薯泥300克 Purple sweet potato paste 300g 
炼奶1茶匙 Condensed milk 1 tsp 


1. 紫薯提前蒸25分钟至熟,加入炼奶搅拌均匀做成紫薯泥备用。Purple sweet potato pieces steam for 25 mins or until soft, add in condensed milk to mix as paste, set aside. 

2. 分离蛋白和蛋黄,蛋白冷冻至结成一层薄薄的冰渣,蛋黄室温放置备用。Separate egg whites and egg yolks, egg whites keep at frozen to form a layer of thin ice, egg yolks keep at room temperature for later use. 

3. 玉米油和蛋糕粉先混合均匀,再加入优格牛奶和蛋黄,Z字形混合均匀至滴下来能维持1-2秒摊平即可。Whisk corn oil and cake flour together first, add in yogurt milk and egg yolks, and whisk again until well combined. 

4. 蛋白+柠檬汁,高速打发至有大泡泡后加入红糖(分三次加入)继续高速打发至打蛋器有比较坚挺的弯钩即可。Whisk egg whites and lemon juice until foamy with bubbles is formed, slowly add in brown sugar (divide into 3 times), continue to whip the egg whites until fluffy and reach a soft peak, egg whites form a curved tail at the end of the whisk. 

5. 分两次加入蛋黄糊中,慢慢地拌均匀,不要画圈即可。Combine the mixtures, fold half of egg whites into egg yolks batter, folding is different than stirring, it takes a lighter hand to not deflate the whipped egg whites. 

6. 倒入铺好烘焙纸的烤盘中,让面糊分布均匀。Transfer the cake batter to the baking tray. 

7. 预热烤箱160°C, 烤25-30分钟左右即可(烤箱温度得自行拿捏)。Pre-heated oven 160°C, bake for 25-30mins (oven temperature adjust accordingly). 

8. 出炉后轻震烤盘,放上一张烘焙纸翻面,撕开烘焙纸,再翻过来。Remove the cake from the oven, give the tray a few taps, put on another piece of baking paper and flip over, remove the baking paper at the bottom of cake, then flip over again. 

9. 用模具切出三片蛋糕片,每层都抹上紫薯泥,再用紫薯泥做蛋糕边的抹面做出简单设计风格。Cut the cake into desired pieces and shapes, spreading the purple sweet potato paste evenly on each layers and also for simple cake decoration. 

10. 最上面一层轻放上一片撒面模具,用筛子撒上紫薯粉带出吉蒂猫的脸,简单的吉蒂猫紫薯蛋糕就好了咯。On the top of cake, using a Kitty cake spray mold for simple Hello Kitty decoration, and it’s done. 

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