Monday, April 10, 2023

番茄山药杂蔬汤面 Tomato Mixed Veggies Noodle Soup


番茄山药杂蔬汤面 Tomato Mixed Veggies Noodle Soup 

番茄3颗 Medium tomatoes 3 pcs 
胡萝卜块 Some carrots 
药片适量 Some chinese yam 
鱼丸适量 Some fish balls 
杏鲍菇片适量 Some sliced king oyster mushroom 
西芹片适量 Some sliced celery 
海鲜豆腐片适量 Some seafood tofu 
蒜碎适量 Some chopped garlic 
小红葱碎适量 Some chopped shallot 
青葱丁适量 Some diced green onion 

盐½茶匙 Salt ½ tsp 
红糖1茶匙 Brown sugar 1 tsp 
酱油1汤匙 Soy sauce 1 tbsp 
蚝油1汤匙 Oyster sauce 1 tbsp 
胡椒粉适量Some pepper to taste 
水1000毫升Water 1000ml 


1. 材料洗净切好,番茄划几刀用沸水烫一烫去皮切块,胡萝卜和山药去皮切块,芹菜记得去除粗纤维,其它就依自己喜好切好。Get ready all the ingredients, blanching tomatoes with boiling water a while, skin off and cut into pieces, peeling carrots and chinese yam and cut into pieces. 

2. 把清水和全部材料(除了蒜小红葱和葱丁、番茄和胡萝卜)放入高压锅内。Put water and all ingredients (except chopped garlic, shallots, green onion, tomatoes and carrots) into pressure cooker. 

3. 起两汤匙油锅爆香蒜葱碎,加入番茄和胡萝卜+盐和红糖炒出红汤即可熄火倒入锅中,调入酱油和蚝油(胡椒粉随意),按下炖汤键即可。Heat up 2 tbsp of olive oil to sauté chopped garlic, shallots and green onions, follow by tomatoes and carrots, season in salt and brown sugar to cook for a while, off heat and transfer to pressure cooker, season in soy sauce and oyster sauce (pepper according to personal preference), press “soup” button to cook. 

4. 面条用加了点橄榄油的沸水煮至熟待用。Bring a pot of water that add with some salt and olive oil to boil to cook noodles until cooked. 

5. 把煮好的汤淋上面条一起吃。 Noodles + cooked soup and serve hot. 

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