Monday, June 4, 2012

番茄蛋花汤 Tomato and Egg Drop Soup

番茄蛋花汤是一道很受欢迎的简单家常汤品, 是我大约每星期都会煮一次的汤.


{材料} 番茄x 3粒, 鸡蛋x 2 粒, 青葱 x 1 棵(洗净切小颗粒状)

{调味料}盐 2 小匙, 太白粉水 2大匙, 香油适量


1.番茄在沸水中川烫后; 捞起切成块状, 备用.

2.鸡蛋打散成蛋液, 加入葱粒备用.

3.取一深锅烧热1大汤匙油后, 放入番茄煸炒至出红汤, 倒入适量的水. 用大火煮滚后, 调入盐拌搅均匀, 再加入太白粉水勾芡. 最后, 再顺时针方向淋入蛋液煮大约两分钟.

4.然后, 倒入香油即可.

Tomato and Egg Drop Soup

{Ingredients} Tomatoes x 3, eggs x 1, spring onion x 1 stalk (wash and diced)

{Seasonings} salt x 2tsp, corn flour solution x 2tbsp, sesame oil in proper amount.


1.Tomatoes blanch in boiling water; remove and cut in diced. Keep aside.

2.Beat eggs and onion diced in bowl. Keep aside.

3.Use a big pot to heat up 1tbsp oil, add in tomatoes and stir-fry until soft, then pour in water in proper amount. Bring it to boil under high heat, season it with salt and stir well, then, thicken with corn flour solution. Lastly, gently stir the eggs in a clockwise direction and cooked for minimum 2 min.

4.Pour in sesame oil just before serving.

Previous: 鲍鱼菇煎饼

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