Friday, September 13, 2013

芝士火腿蛋煎吐司 Cheese, ham and eggs fried toast

一日之计在于晨, 原以为这种西式早餐会很麻烦,事实上一点也不。。。只要早起多10分钟即可。 快速又营养的早餐, 配上一杯热腾腾的牛奶, 肯定让男女人们的一天变得更美好!


{材料} 吐司2片, 芝士1片, 火腿1片, 鸡蛋1粒。

{配料A} 小黄瓜片


1. 两片吐司之间夹着芝士与火腿片。

2. 鸡蛋打散成蛋液, 将吐司放进去双面沾上蛋液。

3. 平底锅烧热适量的橄榄油, 将吐司放入以中火煎至双面金黄色即可。

Cheese, ham and eggs fried toast

{Ingredients} Toast x 2 slice, cheese x 1 slice, ham x 1 slice, egg x 1

{Ingredients A} Some cucumber slices.


1. In between toast, add in cheese and ham.

2. Beat egg in a bowl, coated both sides of each toast with egg mixture.

3. Heat up frying pan with enough olive oil, put in toast to pan-fry both sides till golden brown and serve hot.

Previous: 土豆饼 Potato Pan Cake

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